Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Yep....this was MY day, at least here at the stick and brick!!!! I was up and going as usual...and actually had forgotten(short term memory loss????) this was March 31st....until the 1st Lady popped into the den and reminded me very nicely by a great "Happy Birthday"!!

After breakfast with Fr. Roast coffee.....of course...and her with a cup of tea......we soon began working to start getting things out of TheHowserHouse RV and into the stick and brick. This had to be done between spring showers of rain......and, when the sun finally did emerge this afternoon......we still were not able to get finished with the task. I got the fridge emptied and thoroughly cleaned to prevent any mold over the next two months of sitting in the driveway.....and then finished up the den later this afternoon. Still to go is the rest of the kitchen, which HAS been emptied of all food items.....and the bathroom/shower and bedroom, which still has lots of things in it, as well as in the storage area under the king size bed.....a LARGE storage area. Then, there are things that must come out of the basement.........all of this to be done tomorrow????

All day long I was interrupted by phone calls from friends, former students, and relatives wishing me a happy birthday.......and what a great gesture it was, as hearing from everyone from my past only make this day THAT MORE SPECIAL!!!!!! Many calls became messages as my phone was busy a lot of the time.....and then, this evening the 1st Lady and I went up to Farmington to a movie and my phone was off, of course, during that time.

As I said....we did go to see "Knowing".......and it was a movie I really, really did enjoy. Oh yeah.....quite a work of fiction, but it was a good two hours of entertainment tonight. Nicholas Cage is NOT a very good actor, but somehow he still gets the parts for movies........he is either over-acting or under-acting.........just has a difficult time with showing the right amount of emotion for so many scenes!!!!! It just looks fake...... However........I did enjoy it with those reservations!!!!

Afterwards, we went out to our friends, TheHannerHouse, whom we had not seen since Christmas.....and we never came to a period, with more than one talking the entire time.......jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing each topic....HAHHAA!!! What an evening......and, I did take my bottle of "1921"....the Creme de Tequila.....which is soooooooooo damn good!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!

And so......another birthday has come and gone.......gone soooo quickly just like my Life is going sooooo quickly!!! long as the birthdays keep coming, I shouldn't complain, should I???? And, why should I EVER complain......because, as usual.......

LIFE IS JUST INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!!

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