Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009: Warm and Wonderful day filled with Birthdays!

Yep......the clouds rolled in and the clouds rolled out, but overall it was a beautiful day here at Dr. Jeni's house!!!

The house was filled with the chatter, laughter, screaming, running, yelling, playing of lots of children most of the day. With a BD party this afternoon, the morning was spent in keeping the little ones from getting tooooo excited, but allowing them to have their fun playing, also.

Becky and Rachel arrived around noon....and so shortly after 1pm, the BD party for Rachel began......with family and a couple of close friends being the guests. As at all BD was cake and ice cream, party favors with hats, and then opening of the gifts. Following that, it was time to ride the new bike, play with the new toys, and enjoy the remainder of the afternoon just playing with cousins and friends.

This evening, after grilling some burgers and hot dogs, it was time for Rachel's BD.....and once again, it gift time....followed by more cake and ice cream. Then.....everyone changed and went out on the the lower one to enjoy the hot tub under the stars. It was great fun watching for "falling stars".....and this sagging hulk of Me was the only one who managed to find one.....and WITHOUT my glasses....haha!!!

This evening, after changing into some dry clothing, I have spent researching the trip to Peru(Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Lima)....and trying to decide IF I can get the prices and the reservations on my own....and make it cheaper than taking a tour. Some of the tickets within Peru are soooooo much higher than if you were there to purchase them rather than online or by phone......for example: the flt from Lima to Cuzco...50 minutes over the is $438 RT, however if purchased there it is only $116.....the problem is getting a reservation after arriving in Lima only two days before we would fly to Cuzco. Hmmmm,....I have found a great site online with lots of info about this....names to contact in Lima who can help, etc., etc. Then there are the hotel reservations(Lima, Cuzco, M.Picchu, Lima), the bus trip from Cuzco to Machu Picchu and return, a personal guide for Machu Picchu, etc, etc. Sooooo, lots to do in a short amount of time..........

And sooooo...the day has quickly disappeared, not exactly quietly, haha....but it is gone. With that usual.......

LIFE IS JUST INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!

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