Tuesday, April 07, 2009

April 7, 2009: OMG...there IS a Sun that SHINES!!!!!!

Yep.......it was a beautiful day today. The early AM was COLD, but when that bright sun came up over the leafless trees, the day began to warm up little by little......and it was widely welcomed.

After the morning rituals, the French Roast coffee, and my daily bowl of oatmeal......I read the online newspapers (that may be all we have to read before long??), and then about mid-morning I decided to return to the task of completing my taxes......only one week left! Well........it didn't go quite as quickly as it should have gone.....but, we all know that that happens with anything that we attempt to do, don't we?????

For one......the TurboTax has a glitch in it that I cannot figure out how to change. You would have to be using the Missouri tax supplement on the CD.....and you would have to be retired from the Missouri Public School Retirement System to experience this glitch. And sooooo, it makes me have to pay taxes to the Mo Dept of Revenue, rather than get a tax refund of more than $2000, which when I finally did the math on the forms by calculator and pencil, that $2000+ is the correct return that I need to mail in!!!! Soooooo, there seems to be no way of contacting the good people of TurboTax.......even though I will continue to find a way to reach them by phone or online so I can talk with a tax "specialist".

This above tax task kept me at the desk, at the laptop, and with all kinds of forms, documents, and a calendar from last year the entire afternoon. Not that I had planned on that.....as I needed to be outside working in the bright sunshine and cleaning the yard of the foreign objects that have become embedded in the growing green grass. DAMN.....I can't believe that it is almost time to start mowing it again........and, to my chagrin, my neighbors have already mowed theirs!!

No word on my deathly sick laptop which I left at the Toshiba Service center in STL this past Friday. Is "no word a good word" applicable to my pc status?????? I cower in fear at the thought of the final word about it...........

Two more items to take care of: deciding/purchasing a new digital camera....and deciding on new cell phones and perhaps a new plan or provider. MORE expenses!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!! When will these digital decisions defuse all of our communication challenges????? Not sure, just yet, but soon, soon, soon I hope!!!!!! It just takes time and research and thinking.........

And, talking about thinking.......I have my scheduled spring urologist appointment on Monday. Not looking forward to it, other than to get the damn thing over with for another six months. It will just be another day for another damn digital problem......haha!!!

Late this afternoon, Goldie came over to share a bottle of wine with me during Happy Hour. As always......ALWAYS.......we never have enough time to cover all of the subjects and topics that we need to discuss.......as good friends always need to share, to discuss, and to listen with, and to, each other. We always "bounce" thoughts, decisions, and ideas off of each other and then listen the other's responses and thoughts........and with the two of us, no subjects is off limits. I did give him a tiny glass of "1921", that wonderful creamy elixir which I purchased in Mexico: a bottle of Tequila with Creme.......made in Mexico......and it is sooooooooooooo damn good!!!!!

Tomorrow????? You guessed it.....finish the taxes!!!!!! But, tonight it is time for one more of those little glasses of "1921" prior to that last part of the evening........and, as always..........

LIFE IS JUST REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!

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