Sunday, October 09, 2005

A Sunday.....but not one of rest....

At 8:30am we were at the early church service.....Methodist. A quick stop at the local grocery store for some needed items, including the Sunday St Louis Post. with the morning paper, AND....the talking heads programs on the tellie. I always enjoy the Sunday morning news discussion programs!!!! was out to the garage to do some touch-ups on the walls and ceiling from my artistic endeavors this past week.

No rest....remember: then it was off to the yard to do some mowing.....not the entire yard....but just the longest grass section(the part the 1st Lady had fertilized soooo much this spring). After the hour of pushing the motorized mower around through the tall, wet was time to light the fire. Yep.......there had been a stack of tree limbs and brush and dried weeds that needed to be burned. HOWEVER.....I have had to wait until October to do this here in town.....legally. A quick dash of gasoline on the pile.....and then a few matches and the neighborhood was enveloped in blue, woody smoke from the burning pile. burned down and the long hose that I had brought out to put out the small fires in the neighbors' yards....should they have jumped over to their grass......well, it was not necessary to hook it up. YEA!!!! No lawsuit......!!

Then....a mid-afternoon Sunday dinner created by the 1st lady......and it was a successful, tasty dinner........with a couple of glasses of my dark red medicine to help the day! A quick clean-up in the kitchen.....and it was back out to the yard to do several other tasks.

As the day cooled was time for a late afternoon cup of Vanilla Nut coffee......ummmmm...good.....on the patio as I watched the ballet dance of the waving plumes on my decorative grasses. The remainder of the evening was spent watching "Troy".......with the 1st Lady's hunk....Brad Pitt. It was just ok.......might have been better on a larger stadium seating theater with their huge screens. Soooo......

Another day goes quickly into darkness.........Life is Good, and I hope for you, also!!

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