Sunday, October 08, 2006

A weekend of cleaning and waxing.....

NOW......don't misread that title.........THIS old man was NOT the one getting cleaned and waxed!!! From early yesterday morning until dusk and from mid-morning today until dusk, I was on top of TheHowserHouse(RV), under it, standing on an 8 foot ladder along the 13 foot sides, etc., etc.etc. was time to get some of the accumulated dirt, mud, and stuck-on bugs off of it.....and to "spruce" it up to the original look.

Soooo, yesterday by dusk, I was almost unable to lift my arms above my shoulders and arms were soooooo stiff and sore from all of the cleaning and then the beginning of a wax job!!!!!! I couldn't even bring myself to make a post on this little just hurt tooooo damn much!!

Today.....the 1st Lady left for 2-3 days to see her dentist (Dr. Jeni) tomorrow morning, and then a two day trip to NE Missouri to visit her mother. Soooooo, after spending some Fr. Roast coffee time with the Sunday morning talk shows.......I was soon up on the ladder and waxing and polishing the huge dinosaur-on-wheels that rests peacefully in my driveway. this evening, I must say it is looking much, much better!!!!!! STILL some work to do tomorrow.......the window need washing, the tires/wheels need some cleaning, and I have to scrub the awning, too!!!

Sooooo, tomorrow is another day of sore arms and shoulders. Am I looking forward to finishing this fall cleaning????? You damn well bet I am!!!!!

OH MY GOD.......I just see on the tellie that N. Korea has done a nuclear test!!!!!!!!!! NOW what will "W." do?????? I am certain he will put on his cowboy boots and join Dark and Doom Cheney to do something that shouldn't be done!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did we invade the wrong country a few years ago????? Hmmmmmm......... With the Bush Administration at the helm of a sinking ship/country, the news does not bode well for us........which makes it MORE imperative that we have a new Congress in four weeks!!!! I can remember back to the Truman presidency.....and I will quite honestly say that this is the worst President and Administration that I have seen in my Lifetime!!!!!!!!! I have NEVER voted a straight ticket in my entire lifetime of voting........, but this year WILL be different!!!! IT is time for a change!!!!!

And sooooo, I will climb down from my tiny soapbox for tonight....and still declare that...

Life is Great.......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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