Sunday, February 01, 2009

Day 33: WOW.....a really gorgeous day!!!

This morning???? Up around 7, some great coffee on the patio, and then soon after that the 1st Lady came downstairs, had her cup of tea......and we both watched some of the Sunday morning talk shows.

About mid-morning.....we jumped onto our bikes and rode around the resort. Stopping at the Library, we returned some books.....and we took a few minutes there: The 1st Lady went into the Puzzle Room and worked on one of the jigsaw puzzles that they have laying on tables for people to just come in, sit quietly, and work on these puzzles. Me? I stayed in the Library and scanned through a couple of magazines that were fairly current.

From there, we rode out bikes out to the levy and rode on top of it until we came to a closed fence......and from there we rode down into the west side of the resort. The levy runs around the north side of a narrow lake which curves gently around some fields. As this day became more beautiful as the time went by......we spent more time riding around the resort.

BEAUTIFUL, as I said!!!! Blue sky, light clouds flitting by, and the temps warming with each passing hour......what more could anyone ask for???? This was one of those days where you just do NOT want to be inside....but outside in the sunshine, the breezes from the south, and..........

Soon, the 1st Lady and were on our way up to the swimming pool in our area of the resort. As I have said, there are four pools here in the resort...each one in a different section/area. We rode our bikes the very short distance to the pool....and soon were lounging on chaise lounges under a cabana. We both soon decided to enjoy the hot tub.....and then the pool soon found the 1st Lady enjoying a brisk swim in this very, very large swimming pool.

I found myself in a conversation while in the hot tub with a couple from Ontario, Canada. They mentioned they were heading over to Europe at the end of March.....for their very first time there. Sooooo, being the kind and courteous world traveler that I am.......I began to ask where they were going in Europe, which led to me telling them that I have been over there 12 times over the past years, leading student tours for most of those trips. Well.......soon their questions began to flow ever so rapidly.....and since they were not familiar with the various places they are going to visit, I told them to stop by TheHowserHouse and we could chat about some of the things to see.....and some of the things to take with them.

Returning to TheHowserHouse later in the afternoon, I began to put together an appetizer for the Happy Hour/Super Bowl Party over at our friend's RV. Using the florets from an entire head of cauliflower, I tossed these florets with extra virgin olive oil, red pepper flakes, several chopped cloves of garlic, and then some salt and quite a bit of thyme. Then onto a cookie sheet with a small lip all around the pan, and into the convection oven for 20 minutes at 450 degrees.....and VOILA!!!! A great appetizer that is hot out of the oven, hot to taste because of the red pepper flakes, and a healthy appetizer for everyone!

We remained for Margaritas, tacos with freshly made tortillas from Mexico, Poppyseed cake, and more we watched the Super Bowl...and the disappointing finish for the Arizona Cardinals! Oh was a good evening otherwise.......with some great food and drinks for all.

Yep.....a gorgeous day, a great day for a bike ride.....a great day for a swim....and a great evening with friends and food!!!! As always........

LIFE IS JUST REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!

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