Saturday, September 03, 2005

Today...(yesterday's tomorrow) somewhat better..

Attempting to get up this morning at 7am.....well, it was very difficult to say the least. It was after 1am this morning before my aging and sagging body found the bed.....Dr. Jeni, Darrell, and girls along with Rachel arrived after 11pm last night, and then after midnight, Jay(Jeremy) arrived from Indiana. Soooo, we continued to watch the unfolding drama/tragedy on the tellie and finally, after being drained from the day...I found the bed and crashed.

This morning was spent visiting Mike. Rachel went with me and our visit was they all are. Came home, dropped off Rachel at the house, and then met a former student and his girl for lunch. This was a great 1.5 is always good to see former students who are soooo successful in the chosen careers....and this one is an outstanding trumpet performance major. He currently is the principal trumpet player at Truman State University......and will continue to succeed as he progresses on to his graduate studies on the trumpet. He brought with him, for me to meet, his girl who is originally from Japan, but now claims Clayton, Mo/University City as her home. She,too, is a student at Truman......and has been accepted for graduate school in London, England.

The afternoon was spent visiting here at home......and then I grilled supper on the patio. Tonight....well, it was taken up by checking on the events in N.O.....and followed by a movie.

I leave tomorrow for about 30 hours to run to Eldon to attend the class of 1985's 20th reunion. Really looking forward to reuniting with many more former band students who will be there from across the nation.....many of which I have not seen in years!

Sooooo, until tomorrow.....and hopefully, a better day once again.

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