Sunday, March 26, 2006

Rest on Sunday???? HA!

"Never on Sunday", that is! At least for this aging man. We were up with the chickens...Hmmmm, wonder what time THAT is???!! was damnable early. Went up to see Mike this morning for a few hours and then it was hurry, hurry, hurry to get back to TheHowserHouse by early afternoon.

Had a "business" conference call for 1.5 hours this afternoon for lots of discussion about our future plans. was quickly get into my painting clothes,and soon a paint roller was in my hand and I was climbing onto the ladder. I painted the walls of our remodeled bedroom, while the 1st Lady painted the area where the ceiling meets the the family room. NOT an easy job, no matter which painting tools she used. She has MUCH more patience at something like then I do.......just absolutely hate doing the little detail painting!!!!!!!!!!!

We continued to paint until a bit after 6pm......which by then it was becoming toooooo dark to see very well. I painted the bedroom a color about the color of chocolate milk.....with an extra shot of milk! Think it will really look great with our color choices: deep espresso brown with the new "hot" color of aqua.....a light blue with a tiny hint of green mixed with it. It is a color that was all the rage in the 50's......and like all good things, it has returned for another few years(??). I did some checking and looking around in the decorating shops and stores.....and, YEP....there it is in every one of them!!!!! I would NOT want to be out of style.....hahahaha!!!!

This evening......well, it was time for a few phone calls to catch up with family and friends. The tellie was not much use this evening......Grey's Anatomy was even a rerun.....DAMN!!! I am presently watching an hour show on new RV's on the market. They just keep getting bigger and more expensive.....and HEAVIER. I saw one with FIVE must weigh many, many tons. It would take a LARGER truck than I have to pull it with all of the extras that were onboard.

Tomorrow???? Well, it is more painting and begin to get some of the rooms clean of the stuff that is laying on the floors. Soooooo, it is work, work, work for this old guy. always,

Life is GREAT......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!

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