Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hmmmm.....what's new to discuss???

Yeah......the title says it all about today!!!!! It was a rather uninteresting day.....rather hard to believe, I know.....but today just slipped by without one exciting event. Let's see.....

Oh yeah.....I got out of bed successfully!!! Guess that is a good cause for happiness, isn't it??? Sometimes it is a bit difficult.....would rather lay there and drift in and out of conciousness than have to get up, but Life requires me to raise my aging body up from its horizontal postion and get on with the day to see what I can contribute to the human race. Hmmmm.....that sounds rather egotistical, doesn't it? HAHA.

I did spend some time this morning sucking up all of the dust balls, crushed leaves, slivers of Christmas wrapping papers that are scattered around the table where presents have been wrapped, and then I also mopped the kitchen floor. Yep......getting things in clean and spiffy shape for the Holidays.....being political correct here.

The 1st Lady arrived home around noon.....school is out now until Jan. 3rd. Soooo, she took care of some final school work and then packed a bag and headed to the Moser Estate to sit with Ava tonight and all day tomorrow. Dr. Jeni has office hours/appointments on Tuesday evenings, and Darrel had to run to Kansas City to pick up a new truck and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. Soooo, Grammy has to sit with the newest granddaughter!!

I did attend a meeting given by Mo Dept of Transportation concerning the new bypass of the highway that currently runs through the center of town.....and the actual city center/business area. BUT....BUT....God forbid, they are re-routing the highway/bypass to pass within ONE BLOCK to the north of our home!!!!!!!!!! CRAP....SHIT.....truck noise for the remaining years of my Life!!!!!!!!! Guess that might be reason enough to sell the house in a couple of years and move to a Loft apt. in STL?????? Pros and Cons on that idea, but it is toooo damn late tonight to think this through rationally and write about it at the same time.....hahhaa.

Soooo, came home with that horrific news.....and just decided to sit down and muddle throught the evening in front of the worthless tellie!!! NO AMAZING RACE tonight.........my God, I miss it already!!! It is SUCH a GREAT show for those of you who have not spent any time with the show. When it comes on again......tune it in.....give it 3-4 weeks/episodes and see if you don't get hooked!!!

Soooo, it is getting a wee bit late.......I turn into a flabby, sagging, dried up pumpkin here in 30 minutes.....god forbid that you try to visualize THAT sight!!!! Heehee.....

Sooooo, I look forward to tomorrow and perhaps something really exciting will happen in my Life, but nevertheless........

Life is GREAT......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of my best friends, Kelly Sikes just moved from his suburban home in KC to a downtown loft. For him, it is simply fantastic. Skyline view, plasma TV, 20 ft. cielings, coffees, foods, and beverages within walking distance. Needless to say, he loves it! - Brian McKenney