Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday.........Almost busted my sagging ass.....

404 days to go.......

Just a brief is early afternoon here in the ice and freezing temps of northeast Missouri. There was another round of freezing rain up here last night......and I just about busted my fat and sagging ass this morning when I stepped out to thaw out the car.....which was covered with ice. I didn't realize that the grass would NOT crunch......the rain had frozen on top of yesterday's ice which was crunchy yesterday afternoon when we arrived. I took one step......and went sliding across the front yard, somehow managing to stay on my feet, albeit.........I'm certain it made for some great laughter by anyone watching me attempt to stay up with my arms flaying in the air, but body making contortions to stay afoot.......hahaha!!!! And now.....I am getting sore from all of those unused muscles getting a work out on that ice trying to save my ass.......literally!!!!

Sitting here in Hannibal in the lobby of the Quality Inn and Suites where free wifi is readily available........YEA!!!!!!!!! This is where we will be in ten days for our Christmas weekend with the 1st Lady's annual gathering of the 40+ members here at the hotel for an evening of talk, swimming, a few glasses of vino(dark red medicine in my case), and a catered dinner on Sunday with an exchange of gifts! Looking forward to it, as always!!!

Sooooo, now news......other than my ass is unharmed as it never quite touched the ice....hahaha. Sure would like to have been the neighbors looking out there window at this sagging hulk of an old man............a hell of a different climate than two weeks ago when we were in the desert of Egypt!!!!! But.....only two weeks until we arrive in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas for the winter months........and, as always....either here or there or anywhere......

LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

HA!HA! This post left me laughing out loud!! I could just see you surfing across the front lawn!!
Love ya!
(Mom says it's been in the 80's this week, just too hot she said!!)