Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 12: Cooler with clouds and northern winds......

OK......Up this morning and realized very quickly that the temps had dropped, as expected, and that once again the sun was not with us. I turned on the fireplace which warmed and cheered up the den......started the coffee maker....and soon it was nice and toasty in the den, with a cup of very hot and dark rich coffee in my hand.

The 1st Lady was up by 8:30......and after doing my morning rituals, we had our breakfast.....which consisted of her very good blueberry muffins and coffee/tea. It didn't look much like it was going to clear we just figured that this would be a day we would spend inside TheHowserHouse. I settled in with my lappie and spent some time reading the Sunday morning newspapers online: STL Post-Dispatch, NY Times, and the Washington Post.

This afternoon the 1st Lady did some laundry at one of the several laundrymats here in the Resort. Returning we hung out around the RV as the sun began to emerge through those clouds, and the temps warmed up to the upper 60's. Not a tropical day.....but certain, CERTAINLY not like what the hell is happening up north.....YUK!!!!

A bit later we took a bike ride around the park, and it was a great ride seeing all of the azaleas that are in bloom.....very large azalea bushes of all colors. And....the poinsettia bushes are large and still quite beautiful. Of your heart out, northerners.....but the grass is quite green and gorgeous.

Returning, we went to Buzz and Moe's RV for a brief Happy Hour inside, as with the sun sinking down below the palm trees, it began to cool down very quickly. Pete and Jane were there and for some reason, we began to talk about doctors who used to make house calls. Jane's father was one of those, I believe. Anyway..........

I remembered how my grandmother's job when I was a little boy.....pre-schooler.....was working as a receptionist/secretary in the local home town doctor's office. We lived with her in this large house she had had built earlier in the 1900's.....five bedrooms, sun room, large kitchen, large front porch, and all heated by an old coal furnace that was down in the very dark and scary basement. Anyway....I morning I was awkened by my mother and grandma and in my pajamas, I was led into the dining room.....and there......was the dining room table covered in a white sheet. Beside it stood our Dr. with some strange looking things around the table.......and then they picked me up, laid me down on the table......and the next thing I knew, and the last thing I remember, is this "mask" coming down over my face with this horrible smell coming from it!!!! was an ether mask and I was put quickly to sleep........!!!! When I awoke, tonsils had been removed and I was throwing up buckets of blood, or so it seems to be now ..........and, later I was told that I had swallowed one of those dreadful little tonsils!!!!

Now.......of all of the people that I have met in the USA and in my travels around the world, I have never ever known, or met, anyone else to have had surgery laying on their grandma's dining room table!!!! WOW........a memory that I can still see in my mind sooooooo well! HAHAHA.....what a story to live with all of my Life!

I did make a change in my travel plans to Washington DC for the Inauguration after doing some thinking about the little problem of not being in DC on Monday when the tickets are to be given out. Soooo, after phone calls to both Southwest Airlines and to Amtrak to see about modifying my plans, I found that I could change both tickets from Monday to Sunday, allowing me to arrive in DC on Sunday evening. Luckily.....the flt to Philadelphia and the train down to DC had seats on Sunday, I will not have to worry about getting that "much wanted" ticket Monday night. And.......since I am one of those elderly Senior Citizens, the cost of making the ticket/reservation change was only $90 more than what I had already paid. My son, Jeremy, was also relieved as he had some worries about me making the connection on that Monday night with the individual that was going to hold the ticket for me in the Hart Senate Office Bldg.

A good day........relaxing, fun, and just another day in the Life of this sagging hulk of Me here in the RGV. As always with me........

LIFE IS JUST REALLY, REALLY INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!


Anonymous said...

Was the circumcision performed on the same table?

Anonymous said...

And to think that I thought spending 3 days in the hospital to have my tonsils removed was bad.