Friday, January 23, 2009

DC Day 5: A travel day.....

Ahhhh……it was a cold morning here in the southeast suburb of Annandale, VA…..but it quickly began to warm as the sun got over the tree line. I was up and going by 7AM this morning, morning rituals…..without moaning and groaning from any stiff bones, joints and muscles as was the case yesterday morning.

With a handshake and hug, Eric left this morning, having to meet a dental appointment in the neighbor hood. Sujeeta took me to the Metro…..Van Dorn Street Stop……and just as I got to the top of the stairway, the train/subway was ready to roll……GREAT timing!!!

In about 35-40 minutes, including one transfer in D.C., I was in Union Station in the center of Washington. I stopped in at the Obama Shop where I purchased another T-shirt for memories. I walked down the same hallway where I had dropped my Silver Ticket on Monday night, and where this wonderful Bag Lady had found it and turned it in to the Policeman, whom I just VERY LUCKILY stopped for a question….and he had it in his hand!

After a few minutes of being in the departing train seats…..the train was ready to roll….and so it was “All Aboard!”…..and this train was much newer than the one I rode down on Sunday evening. The seats reclined with tons of room between the rows and soon I was joined by the most interesting lady from NY!!!

After brief introductions, we began a conversation that continued for the next two hours!!!!! Yep…….it seemed we must have been on the same road of Life all of these years, because we have done the same things: teach our entire lives, travel the world at various times……and the same philosophy of Life about sooooo many issues. We most likely could have chatted and discussed for many more hours, but this time destiny did not provide for that as we arrived in Philadelphia in those two very short hours and I departed the train there while she continued on to NYC.

I made a brief stop in the necessary room in the 30th Street Station and then found my way to the SEPTA part of the train station where I waited for 15 minutes for the train out to Philadelphia International Airport. A short 20 minute ride…..$7.00 cost…..and I was inside the Terminal for Southwest Airlines. And then…….

It was time to go through Security…….off came the shoes, out of the bag came the computer, pocket change into the computer case, passport out for ID checking, my boarding pass which I downloaded at Eric’s house last night out for checking, coat off, and then all of this handheld stuff put into plastic tubs for the X-ray machine. Everything went through without a hitch……and then the “re-dressing and packing” to make it easier to carry all of this through the terminal. After locating the Gate Number…..and, of course it is the very last one in the terminal……..I stopped and picked up a turkey/cheese wrap…….which was HUGE!!!! One half of it was all I could consumer… I wrapped the wrap and put it away for later this evening on the plane(s).
I leave here at 5:15pm… to Houston…..and after the plane change, it is on down to Harlingen, TX….arriving at 10:30 tonight. Anxious for the warmer weather!!!!!

Arrived in Houston ONE HOUR early……OMG, can you imagine that? However, that was the good news….the bad news is that we had to sit on the runway fro 25 minutes as no gate was available for us to de-plane! I sat around in the airport then until time to board the last flt of the day for me……the one on down to Harlingen, which went perfectly and we arrived right on time at 10:30pm. WOW.....such wonderful warmth as I walked outside the terminal!!!!

Pete met me, and in about 25 minutes I was sitting in TheHowserHouse with the 1st Lady…..and the story of my journey to take part, and be in, the making of a huge historical event for the country….AND, the world……began to be told.

OMG……….how do I say it any more emphatically???

LIFE IS JUST ABSOLUTELY, INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!!……And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!

1 comment:

Larry and Cindy said...

Really enjoyed reading about your trip and knowing you got see history in the making first hand. I, however, watched history being made sitting in front of our Tellie.. I worked from home on Tuesday and was so very glad I was able to see all the festivities that went on Tuesday and knowing even the flubbed swearing in of Obmama couldn't put a damper on the events.

Glad you are now safe and sound back in the warm and with the 1st Lady..
