Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday: Sad news........

Another beautiful September day here in SE Missouri.......bring on some more!!!

Today we went to visit Mike........and then as we left, I called the computer hospital in STL.....and in talking with the "Dr.", I learned that the only way my laptop can be saved is to have a couple of intense and expensive transplants. Being a person who does not believe in prolonging life if there is no real hope......I have often instructed my students that if I am only living because of being attached to a machine by tubes and wires, that they are to come into my room and TRIP over these umbilical cords. Therefore, I will not give permission for the transplants to be performed......and will let my little laptop expire there in the hospital on it's on timetable.

So......we stopped in Cape Girardeau and I began looking for a replacement that I can remain in communication with the world. Actually, the cost of a new one will be less than the needed transplants for the sick one....and that made me feel better when I discovered that little bit of info!! Not too many places there to select from....however, I did spend some time looking and talking in Best Buy....NOT where we normally shop for things, but after returning here to the stick and brick, I have spent all evening researching and checking reviews on several various brands and models....and believe that there a couple there at Best Buy with good prices that I might be interested in purchasing. Currently looking at a couple of models of HP laptobs........anyone have any personal info about this kind??????

OK....I have been out of the loop today, but if you didn't see the CBS NEWS Katie Couric interview with Sarah Palin yesterday and today, than I have a couple of short excerpts for you, and you need to see these:

This is utterly unbelievable.......and to make matters worse, the other excerpts that I have seen are just as scary as this one is!!! And to think that SHE is the most qualified that John McCain could find??????? We all know better than that! But....what IF she would become the President, God forbid????? And 72 year old Sen. McCain says he "puts country first"?????????????? Hmmmmm........

For you Rv'ers, we are beginning to make our plans for the three winter months in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The more we talk about it, the more excited we become. And for all of you RV'ers, we are looking forward to seeing you IF you are going to be in the Valley. The election will be over, the Holidays will be over.....and there will be three great months of Happy Hours with friends, dinners with friends, lunches with friends, RGV Festivals with friends, trips over into Mexico with friends, and many activities that will keep us sooo busy that those three months will just fly by all to quickly!!! And, as always........

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!

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