Friday, September 05, 2008

Friday: Some sore arm muscles.......

Well, my own damn fault......I became interested in the new Ludlum novel that I began reading a couple of days ago......and, I kept reading until after 1AM this morning!!! WHEN have I ever done that???? WHEW! Soooo, the night was a bit shorter and when I opened my eyes today....I just rolled over and laid there, drifting in and out of the real world....until it was almost 8am...and I finally drug my sagging hulk out of bed and into the shower.

After several cups of Fr. Roast coffee, I watched a bit of the morning shows on the tellie.....and then puttered around the house for a while....nothing special......just enjoyed the peace and quietness of the stick and brick on such a dark cloudy day. All the drapes were pulled back.....almost all of ours are the panel type which slide very easily on the long rods/poles that we have over each of our large windows. No sun.....and we had "no sun" for the rest of the day. It never really changed.....

After lunch I decided it was time to get out the ladder and to begin waxing the rest of TheHowserHouse. Ahhhhh.......such great visions of my afternoon.....and then UGH, I had a reality check a couple of hours later. By late afternoon, I found that in order to get a smooth finish on the gel coated side it was necessary for me to wax the damn thing THREE....Yes, THREE times. It just didn't want to get that deep white and high sheen that it usually has.....and there were "streaks" left on the side after one coat.....and then again after two coats.....and then finally after the third coat it was smooth and shiny. But, due to all of this physical effort, my arms and shoulders were shouting out in agony by late afternoon, so I finally gave up on the effort for the afternoon......put the materials away and took the tall ladder into the garage.

What I did complete, looks super!!!! But, the contrast is very definite and so I will have to complete the side with three coats probably. And with the sun predicted to shine down upon me tomorrow, I won't get it finished...I'm certain.

This evening I attended a Chili Supper at the Methodist Church....a fund-raiser for another organization here in town. And......I did see soooooo many people here in town that I haven't seen for months and months. So, it was a good evening and it was great to see some old friends, as well as many former students. I also ran into one of the 1st Lady's sorority sisters and she introduced to me her friend......someone she had visited last winter in the RGV in Texas and after comparing notes, we had been at the same RV Park as where they were staying.....several times!!!! They plan to return this winter....and so we made promises to get together down there this year!!!

After returning to the stick and brick, I just kicked back and relaxed and did some more reading. I will not read that late tonight....haha!!!

A good day....some things accomplished.....and nice bowl of chili and sandwich with friends.....and, as always.....

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!

"Politics is like driving a car: Put the car in "R" and you go backward.......Put the car in "D" and you go forward!"

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