Monday, February 13, 2006

TWO days: And the progress continues...albeit slowly

I suddenly realized it is Monday evening and I didn't post last night. WHY???? I am beginning to feel like I am on one of those sleek luges and am gathering speed hurtling through the descending what outcome, I know not!! WOW.....I sure didn't have the foggiest that this house project would entail soooo much mental decisiveness that needed to be accomplished in such short notice......each day. But.....I AM on this luge and I will see it to the finish line at the bottom of the run.

Yesterday the 1st Lady and I went up to visit Mike until early afternoon. The entire visit was virtually consumed with our reporting of the project and the progress being made. When we returned home, we stopped at Lowe's in Farmington and I picked up 100' of speaker wire for the surround sound system.....which has not yet been purchased, never mind even being selected! BUT...the wire will be in place when the drywall begins to go up tomorrow or Wednesday and it will be much easier to install the system down the road.

By early evening the few brain cells that still exist were rapidly turning to mush, so I just glued my eyes to the tellie and didn't think about anything of importance to me or the world. could the world manage without my input???? I'm certain everyone was waiting for some words of wisdom to be thrust out into cyberspace last night so they would feel better today....hahaha!

Today.....After a brief stop at the bank and the post office, I was headed into the city (STL) to pick up our new plasma tv......which we purchased when we were there on Saturday. First I went to a new contemporary furniture store that I read about online....and I was not disappointed! It is a fabulous store with wonderful modern furniture and decor items with prices that are not as high as other stores I have visited with the new modern styles. It was exciting to have found this store.......whoo hoo!!

Then had a great, delicious, wonderful bowl of soup at Panera Bread/St Louis Bread Co. I HIGHLY recommend the new "Roasted Garlic Tomato Basil" soup that they are now serving!!! of their best soups ever!!!!!!!! Today I had them serve it in their sourdough bread bowl.......yummmm!!!

Picked up the new tv and had the people in the pick-up section securely tie the huge box into the back of my truck so it wouldn't bounce around. Got it home and then our contractor helped carry it into the house. I am going to keep it in the box until we get the room ready to hang it in the wall cavity that is being constructed.

Looks like the drywalling may not begin of the crew was ill today so not everything was completed that needs to be done. Not a problem........there is always another day!!

Soooo, as I write this highly intellectual and wonderfully informative little daily essay that will soon be sent out into cyberspace, I am watching tonight's episode of "24". Such an exciting tellie show.......really do enjoy it!! And......during commercials it is back to the Winter Olympics which is always enjoyable. Italy.....well, what can I say.....there is no place like it.........the people, the culture, the arts, the history, and THE FOOD!!!! WOW........been there 12 times and that is NOT nearly enough..........get me there quickly, please!

Sooooo, after two busy days........

Life is GREAT......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!

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