Monday, May 04, 2009

May 4, 2009: OMG.....this huge light in the sky penetrated the clouds.....and we all went blind!!!!!

Yesterday???? Not a damn thing happened in my Life here in the stick and brick....the QUIET stick and brick. I watched tv, read my newest Atlantic Monthly, was online for a few hours, fixed a pizza for afternoon dinner, and all afternoon I watched and listened to it rain!! WOW......the entire day was sooooooooooo damned EXCITING!!!!!!! It was another consecutive day of drizzles, rain, clouds, dampness, dreary, depressing.......and, I could go on.

Watched The Amazing Race during the evening.....and then surfed around on the tv for something that was of any value to this sagging hulk of Me.....and there really wasn't.

The Azalea Festival here in town...and the annual parade.....were all dumped on by the rains. I didn't go at all.......tromping through that muddy mess is not my cup of tea......and I believe that the parade was canceled....and if they had it, well......I have seen and participated in enough parades as a band director to last me through the rest of this Life....and through the next one, too.

Today.......I did a bit of laundry, talked with the 1st Lady several times, and then when that "great ball of fire" burst through the clouds, I waited a couple of hours and then began mowing the back yard and along the south side. is soooooo damned tall, sooooo damned thick, and was soooooo damned wet, that it took me over two hours to do less than 25% of the yard!!!!!! Soooo, tomorrow is supposed to be "dry".....hmmmmm, we'll see.....and I hope that I can get the rest finished before the next round of rain arrives tomorrow night.

And sooooo, you can see it was such an exciting day(s) much so I doubt I will be able to get to sleep!!! I did get out my tripod and shot a few pics of the birds at my feeders outside by the patio......and I am getting a bit more used to this new camera. It will be a super one once I get it all figured out as to how to use all of the settings that are available.....and which need to be used.

OHHH...if you haven't sat down and watched this musical video which is put together by performers all around the world, each in their own country, then please watch this....I really believe you WILL enjoy it:

Soooo, my eyes are not as good as usual....that "ball of fire" in the sky about blinded me today after not having experienced that brightness for days and days!!!!!! And, even with the "blindness" always......

LIFE IS JUST REALLY GREAT!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

1 comment:

pawatt said...

Great Bird pictures!!!