Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28....Early morning....WITH EVENING ADDITIONS

Hmmm.....DAMN, but it is hell getting old(er)!!!! I feel asleep on the couch as none of the many, many channels on the DirecTV had even one show that held my interest last night....and therefore, I stumbled to bed and didn't get this written! to do something about evenings like that!

Yesterday......a very, very humid day with the highs in the mid-80's.....and with that humidity, it wasn't very pleasant trying to get much done outside. During the morning, I took my truck over to Kemp's Body Shop for some more pictures.....not of the damages but of the truck itself to attach to my claim for the storm damages. It appears that the damages are going to be close to $6000, and for the most part it is the cost of the windows and the complete paint job. Whew......a lot more than I anticipated!!!!

I called our adjuster and, of course, had to leave a message for her to call me back! I need some questions answered and also, for her to contact our contractor about the measurement difference which they have for the number of squares on the roof well as some other items and questions which have.....and the 44 cents she owes me......haha.

I then spent two different cycles of time out in the yard, mowing about half of it totally before the heat and humidity drove me inside. I came in once and sat in the a/c for about a half hour, panting and weak from the heat/humidity outside.....and then after recovering from that I returned and got another segment completed. At least the new grass in the front....and the other grass on the south side that is soooooo thick and nice is just the north side where most of the damages were from the trees....which are STILL laying on the side of the yars awaiting the city to haul them away. May be I hear......ugh!!!! All of that grass under them will be dead by that time, if it isn't already.

And then.......the rains came again yesterday late afternoon!!!! Yep......lightening and thunder....and a small bit of rain, not much but enough to keep me from mowing this morning. It is cloudy and looking like rain this morning....and it is predicted again. Back to the monsoon Misery we go.......

More later....if I don't fall asleep this evening....HAHA!!!!........


OMG.....what a day this has been!!!! And, the topic??? Well, the damages/adjuster/measurements/etc./etc/etc. have taken up most of my day.

I called THE adjuster(ess) and had a verbal confrontation on the phone with her.....didn't intend to do that at all, but......her very strong will AND her attitude began to piss me off the more we "talked" and soon, things became rather unpleasant to say the least. Hmmmm........quite frankly, I was more than a little concerned about my blood pressure.....and that is something I have never had to EVER worry about!!!!!!

Sooooo, after going over the figures with a calculator, the 1st Lady and myself decided to meet with our agent here in town. Calling him....he wasn't there.....I set up an appt. for 4pm this afternoon. Then, I called the contractor we want to use....and set up an appt. with him for early evening....whenever he gets away from his current job....on someone else's roof.

Then....I began the task of reaching my RV insurance company...and was successful. I was then transferred to the Claims Dept.....and was assigned a claims number and an adjuster.....#3 for this storm(house, truck, rv). The claims people told me that the adjuster would call me within 8 hours..........and just as we were leaving the stick and brick to see our house ins. agent, the phone rang...and of course, it was the RV adjuster(ess). I explained where I was going....and so she is to call me back in the morning.

I took some pics of the damages on the Cedar Creek RV......and with the rear window being so dirty/muddy from the drive home Tuesday in the rains.....I just took a rag and began to wipe off the coating of crap. Well..........this exposed many more scratches on the rear window than I initially had discovered!!!!!!! Soooo, with the cloud cover this afternoon....actually all day.....I was able to get a few pics of these scratches....hopefully good enough to send on to the adjuster.

We were at the agent's office for almost an hour.....and he is/was very supportive, explaining some of the details......and in a very kind way, expressing his thoughts about our adjuster, without being highly critical.....just the way I would have expected him to react. That's long as gives us the assistance we need to get through this "re-opening" of our claims case.....and we get the $$$$ we are due for the damages!!!

As the 1st Lady was supposed to attend the last Beta Sigma Phi sorority meeting until next fall, I quickly popped into the oven a Stouffer's Lasagne.....a one just the correct size for two aging adults. And....then I fixed some garlic bread, with cheeses and olive oil to top it off. It disappeared quickly with a couple of glasses of dark red medicine......and I actually feel the need for the whole damn bottle this evening!!!!!!!

The contractor and his son......a former band student of mine....are currently re-measuring the roof and guttering as I write this. I had a lengthy discussion with them about what I needed in paperwork and specifics from them......and they promised to get it back to me by Monday. I also got a brouchure from them with colors, etc. of the shingles.

And sooooo, this day has gone with, not with the winds.....but gone quickly due to the confrontations of the day!!! I am going to post a couple of pics of the RV's window and decal some of you are rv'ers and might be interested in this. I would never in my wildest dreams thought that the shingles could have cut through the glass like it did on the RV and on the truck!!!!!! I suppose the hurricane strength winds can do anything!!!!!!

Yep.......just as always.........

LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!

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