Monday, May 19, 2008

MORE Great Spring Days........WOW!!

Each day around here just seems to get a little better........not sure how, because each day is pretty damn close to perfect!! Need I say more????? How long with they remain here in SE Missouri???

Yesterday??? A day of working in the yard.....after I watched the Sunday morning talking heads, even though their heads all seem to say the same as always!

The yard??? We are still filling in some grassless areas and spots with grass seed, seed fertilizer, and straw.....and prior to doing this we are getting rid of a lot of wild violets and their underground root systems. Not an easy nothing in the way of liquids that are on the market will KILL those damn wild violets, no matter WHAT the commercials and review say! Sooooo, it has been a chore.....and the worst thing is that they are in various places in our lawn....and so, we have only just begun!

Then in the late afternoon, I grilled two beautiful rib eye steaks....about 1-1.5 inches thick....and they came out just perfect...OMG.....haven't grilled two steaks that have come out as good as those in ages and ages. The 1st Lady made a delightful salad with spring greens, strawberries, slivered almonds, and a dressing from Balsamic Vinegar....ohhhh soooo good! But, the veggie was a corn and sour cream casserole that is unbelievable!!!!!!!! She really outdid herself with this mouthwatering dish.........ummmm!!!!

Then last night we just sat back.....watched a bit of useless tellie, read a bit, and I just surfed the web for a couple of hours doing some research about our proposed trip to NE Canada. It was a great day!!!


The 1st Lady was up and going strong by 8:30....and by a bit after 9am, she was off and headed north to spend about three-four days with her mother, who is not doing very well. She has an appt with a surgeon on Wednesday and the 1st Lady plans to be there to take her for the consultation. We do not yet know just what the problem is, but suspect from everything that has been said, and the symptoms that we are aware of, that she has an aneurysim in her abdomen.....which is not something we hope to hear, but.......we just need to know something.....and that will on Wednesday.

I ran to Farmington for a couple of hours and then back here this afternoon. What else did I do????? Not much.....took a nap.....relaxed on the patio....watered the new grass that has begun to push through the soil........and then just watched a bit of the news channels, and surfed the net.

WOW....wasn't that a productive day???? Sure hope tomorrow is a bit more intense........!! matter how little or how much I do each day in this rebirth part of my Life.....I always know that......

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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