Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sunny and warm outside.....but inside the dreariness remains.....

The morning arrived early......after remaining in front of the tellie until 2AM....until Claire McCaskill became Missouri's new Senator!! YEAH!! Upon awakening and moving my very, very tired and depressed body to the den, I turned on the tellie to discover that Missouri's Amendment 2 had also PASSED.......YEAH!!!!!! It was a great win in the elections: county, state, and national.......and now it is time to get our country headed in the RIGHT direction.

Later this morning, the 1st Lady and I took some food over to David's parents........and it was a very emotional time for all of us. His parents, who are older, are suffering so is such a loss to them...of course. Such a loss for everyone......

This afternoon was a long one........Jeremy arrived around 5pm.....and we all got ready to go to the visitation at the local funeral home. Jeremy had difficulty get ready as his phone continued to ring.........more interview needed.....PBS called for an interview.....the business of national politics cannot come to a halt, even for a best friend's death.

We spent the evening at the funeal home......and even though the circumstances were not good, it was good to see many, many former band students from the time period that David was in band. Such an emotional evening...... Dr. Jeni and Darrel also drove down to be there at the visitation.

And sooooo, as I said above.....the day was beautiful...but it was an emotional dreary one.....

Life will be better......but, I hope it is great for all of you.

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