Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dec 26, '09, SAT: Cold outside, but lots of warmth inside with the kids here

Yesterday.....I DID get some cookies bake.....about 8 dozen of them. A bit of work in getting this all done with icing on them, but they are good....and seem to be rapidly disappearing...haha.

Becky and Rachel arrived about 9pm last night.....and then about 10:30, Dr. Jeni and Darrel, Meghan, Ava, and Max were here. By the time everyone unloaded luggage, sleeping equipment for Max, and the many gifts to be opened......the house was really quite busy and full! We all talked and ate until about midnight when we finally got the kids in well as ourselves.

TODAY: Showers and breakfasts.......and lots and lots and lots and lots of activities within the house as it is way too cold to take the kids outside. Besides....after about 7 inches of rain, the yard is a total disaster with mud and icy grass. The 1st Lady and I are now sitting with the four grandchildren......the three girls can take care of themselves, but MAX....OMG!!!!! We shouldn't have even put decorations out.........I TOLD the 1st Lady that earlier this month when I was bringing the everything has now been placed above his reach, or.....completely removed.....OR, broken by now!!!!! THANK GOD she listened to me and did not put out her Christmas Village with all of the little people, horses, house, etc., etc.

Dr. Jeni and Darrel and Becky have gone to see Mike......and will be joined later by Jeremy and Anne-marie who are on their way up from Mobile, Alabama today. They called a while back and said they were in Greenwood,, they are getting closer and will be here in the stick and brick by late evening.

Tomorrow, as I have stated, is our Christmas.....when the tons of gifts under the tree will be opened......UNLESS Max can get a minute alone without us watching him....and then all of them will be opened quickly as he has been wanting to tear into them about every 10 minutes. He is everywhere in a blink of an eye!!!!!!

And soooo, tomorrow, I should have some pictures on here at some point in time. Right now, I am needed by the 1st Lady to clean up a mess of spilt water that Max did.....found a glass in Dr. Jeni's bedroom and immediately turned it over under the bed. OK....time for me to get the sponge, the towels, and get it cleaned up.

As always......

LIFE IS JUST REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

1 comment:

Ms. Fiddlesticks said...

Boy oh Boy is that all normal. Enjoy!