Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Day 65: 1ST INSTALLMENT of the day....

OK......I just gave it up last night and didn't write....and early this morning when I planned to write, the internet here in the resort was working with any reliability.....DAMN!!

Yesterday? Well......a bit of some health problems caused me to go to a clinic and see a doctor yesterday morning.....the problem? Plumbing problems within my aging, evolving body. The plumbing lines leading from the bladder seem to be stopped up, unless I drink huge quantities of water for the "pressure" to get it flowing downhill. Soooo, after specimen tests, a rear end digital test, the dr. thinks it is probably a "growing problem", like is seen on ads on the tellie. Over 60% of men age 60 and over experience this same type of "growing" problem, so I do fit the stats, don't I?? I also had a PSA test with the results coming back this week. Anyway, I will consult with a urologist when we return to Misery(snowing there again today).

Soooo, the entire process yesterday took the full morning as it was a "walk-in" clinic and I had to wait for a 2.5 hours before seeing a doctor, whom I really liked. Oh well.........

The afternoon was spent doing not much of anything. Our good friends, Diane and Doug, dropped by and as he had been really ill for two days, it was GREAT to see him out and about and walking around. We had a great visit and began to plan our time in we are in the same RV park up at Port Aransas, outside of Corpus Christi in about two weeks. They are such a wonderful, fun couple and we so enjoy spending time with them!! We have met soooo many great people here......all of our new friends we met while square dancing!!!!

Soooo, will halt this now and get it posted.......more later tonight. Our friends, Ron and Linda, are hosting an Italian dinner late this afternoon at their RV........should be a FUN evening!!!!! Can't wait!!

LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!

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