Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Day 65: SECOND Installment.....

Today.......simply gorgeous!!! No clouds, bright sun, tiny breeze........perfect once again. The howling winds of yesterday carried into last night and it was right around 2AM when the quietness of the night awoke me.......all of a sudden the rv-shaking winds just stopped dead! And then a few hours later, this beautiful day dawned.......

The morning went swiftly.....I had my Fr. Roast coffee, the 1st Lady went off to her Line Dancing class.....and then she returned after an hour.......and we had a very pleasant morning. Yesterday I had bought her a dozen red roses......just because is MY 1st Lady. Today they are still beautiful and she is enjoying them tremendously.....as she always likes fresh flowers(especially roses).

We had a bite of lunch......and then a bit later we took a bicycle ride around the resort. Stopped at the Library Building where a couple of nurses who are wintering here were taking everyone's blood pressure. Had mine taken: 112/64 Can't ask for anything better for my aging and evolving sagging hulk!! All of this exercise down here....bike riding, walking, square dancing for several hours a day, several times per week.........helps with that OLD BP!!!

Then we decided to spend an hour playing shuffleboard on one of the 18 courts that are here in the resort. It was GREAT fun, albeit my aging shoulder was aching by the time the 1st Lady beat me in several games. We MUST do this again before we leave........never enough time to do ALL of the varied things that are available down here.

Soon it was time to go over to Ron/Linda's RV......a beautiful LARGE, 3 axle Teton Home 5th Wheel. They are full timers and enjoy living in their new unit. By a few minutes after four, several couples had arrived and everyone enjoyed the Happy Hour with Sangria and wine being the drinks of choice today. Then Linda told us to come inside and fill our plates with wonderful Spaghetti, Marinara and Meat Sauces for the pasta, meatballs, thick pork slices, garlic bread, and tossed salad!!!!! DELICIOUS!!!! Everyone there had either carried in appetizers or desserts and ALL of them were wonderful!!!

By 7pm, the winds had kicked up again, blowing in damp cool air and so the party broke up and everyone headed for their own RV. This was a GREAT Happy Hour and Dinner.......super!!! THANKS RON and LINDA!!!!

Back in TheHowserHouse.....just down the street from Ron/Linda's......we settled in, overly stuffed with great goodies from this evening.....and plopped in front of the tellie so that all of that great food could spread across and around our sagging bodies......and by tomorrow they will be sagging even more. If these super parties continue, it will take way toooooo much fuel to return to Missouri with all of the weight the truck will have to carry!!!! Friends.....Fun.....Food.......a Fantastic evening.....again!!!! And, without a doubt........

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!.......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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