Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 75: WOW....100 degrees TODAY!!!!

Awakening to a cloudy, damp morning, I had my French Roast coffee in the windowed alcove here inside TheHowserHouse.....and thoroughly enjoyed the peaceful scene outside. After the 1st Lady came downstairs, I assisted her in loading the dirty laundry into the truck....and off she went! I took care of the morning rituals and by the time I was on my second cup of Fr. Roast, she had returned. We then went for our morning bike ride of 30 minutes or more.....and by that time the sun had emerged as the clouds parted and disappeared. In riding around......we could see that there are more and more RV's leaving the resort each day......lots of spaces are vacant now as the Winter Texans are beginning to drive northward........Hmmmmm..........I wonder if it is not toooooo soon?????? I suppose they will soon find out. In fact, I worry(not quite the right word).....I am concerned that we may find some cold weather when we get back to Misery/Missouri(I HOPE) around the 1st of April.

Then.......I decided to begin to straighten out the basement which meant that everything had to come out, be organized and then returned to the proper location. All that is left to store is the patio furniture and the ladder and table. Strange!!!! We have acquired many more items that have to be stored than when we left from our stick and brick!!! Hahhaha......glad we don't have to go over the mountains!

I was taking a rest in my lawn chair.....when I heard someone calling me from the street.....and there sitting in a golf cart.....were four lovely ladies!!!!! Yep.....they WANTED this sagging old hulk of me!!!!!! I quickly jumped up and went out to the street...and there were those four lovely ones who are great RV.Net ladies.......including the infamous "Shirley" of the RV.Net Snowbird category!!! WOW.....such a great surprise......and as I told them, I can't remember when I have been "wanted" by sooooo many females!!!!! (A LONG, LONG time ago!) We had a great visit until the two who were sitting in the back jump the sun.....began complaining that they were getting tooooo much sun.....HAHA. Soooo, we said farewells.....and off they went down the street, laughing and enjoying Life to the fullest!!!!! WOW....what a great surprise......THANKS GIRLS!!!!

This afternoon, we decided to go to the pool.....and so, we lathered up in sun block and enjoyed a couple of hours in this marvelous pool in this part of the resort. As always, everyone is always soooooo damn friendly......we find ourselves engaged in so many conversations with sooooo many different people that are is not like the home turf at all! We will certainly miss all of these discussions and wonderful people!!!!

Then after leaving the pool, we were invited to go over to Doug and Diane's for Happy Hour.....which morphed into about Happy Three Hours!!!! Such a great time..........sooooo many laughs.......soooooo much fun.......always people dropping in/by and sitting for a while and having a drink.....and going on down the road. GREAT TIMES!!!!!

Returning to TheHowserHouse we had a light supper of a few "left-overs" and then settled in for an evening the den of the RV........a bit of tellie....and a few phone calls. Tomorrow is a busy day as we are going "birding" at one of the World Bird Centers just a few miles from here. It will be an escorted walk as we understand. Sounds like fun.........

Then we need to finish packing things. For dinner tomorrow evening Doug and Diane, Bill and Jeanne, and ourselves are all going over to Fat Daddy's for some BBQ, after drinks at Doug and Diane's place before we leave. A "last supper" here in the RGV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOO HOO!!!!!!! SNIFF, SNIFF!!!!

Now.......I have to turn in the modem to the office as we check out tomorrow afternoon. The office is closed on Sunday morning....and our current plans are to pull out of here about 9:30AM on Sunday morning. It is only about 178 miles from here to the resort we are staying at.....but only for four nights. They DO have Wifi there, but who knows how good it is??????? Sooo, no late post tomorrow evening........perhaps if time, before we check out tomorrow????? Otherwise, the next post will be on Sunday evening.....IF.....IF...the Wifi is good.

Hey.........this Winter Camp for Seniors is about to end. All of the scheduled activities.......birding, dancing, shuffleboard, billiards, rock hunting, woodworking, Spanish classes, Genealogy classes, musical shows, jewelry making, card parties, Bingo, buffets, concerts, dance classes, painting, art classes, sewing, quilting, tennis, swimming, golf, trips to Mexico, shopping, etc., etc., etc.....and these are JUST the activities here at Llano Grande. I'm certain I missed some that are held here, but just think.......there are around 700 RV Parks within the 50 miles of the RGV.....and they ALL have activities such as these!!!!!! Did I mention all of the incredible cafes and restaurants that HAVE to sampled????? Did I mention all of these activities that be enjoyed at all of the other rv parks????? Did I mention the many festivals that are given IN HONOR of the Winter Texans at each of the towns here and across in Mexico?????? There is absolutely NO place like being here in the RGV during the winter months.......!!!! If you are bored when you are here.......then it is certainly your own DAMN fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And soooooo, another day of our winter journey of Life.....Day 75, has disappeared......but, as always..........

LIFE IS INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!!!.......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Thanks for the travel blog from TX the last 75 days...I have really enjoyed it...well, maybe not when we were sitting in ice and you told us about being in the pool that day...but mostly good. :) The pictures were great! Thanks again.