Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 74: Second installment........a lazy, relaxed day!!!

WOW.....we do have the internet tonight!!!! Not certain what happened, but it was a park-wide outage, as well as the cable tv. Not to worry, we are online and the tv is going tonight......we are back in communication with the world......YEAH!!!! Amazing how our lives are so wrapped up with the technological communication devices, isn't it???? Who could have guessed as little as ten years ago that we would find ourselves sooooo "hooked" to all of these tech "things" now???

So, today........I came downstairs around 7am.....fixed my French Roast coffee....and then sat in the little alcove in the den......the alcove made by one of the slides that has large windows on all three sides.......and it is perfect to watch the sun rise as I sip that wonderful dark and rich mug of coffee.

After the 1st Lady managed to reach the vertical position, I took care of my morning rituals and then we decided to take a bike ride around the resort. was a great ride, and after almost 30 minutes we rounded a corner and there was a group of people gawking up at the trees.....equipped with binoculars, a teloscope, and bulging eyeballs.....we stopped and quickly asked what they were watching. AHHHHH.......they saw the parrots that have been spending time in the trees here in the resort, but the 1st Lady and I have not managed to see any of them. We peered through the telescope and WOW......there was one sitting up there squawking at us.......a beautiful iridescent green with the top of his head a brilliant red!! WHAT a sight.....we were soooo excited, just like the others who were standing there talking all at once, enjoying this experience. We rushed back to the truck, grabbed our binoculars and rushed back to the street where everyone was still gathered. was great to see them up close through our own binoculars. What a unique way to begin our day!!!

Returning to TheHowserHouse, the 1st Lady decided to go to Walmart.....and I elected to remain at the RV.......and that was when I once again was able to establish contact with the world outside. And so........I read the morning papers online, checked my email, and just surfed around getting our routes organized for the upcoming travels: Sunday, we travel up to Corpus Christi and then drive out to Mustang Island and the resort we will stay at on the beach for four days. Then on Thursday of next week, we will drive from Port Aransas on Mustang Island up to Beaumont, Texas for an overnight at a nice campground close to the interstate. Then on Good Friday, we will go on over to New Orleans where we will be at the New Orleans West KOA for six nights, minimum. I ALWAYS feel cheated when we have to leave New Orleans so this week's stay might satisfy my longings to see more and eat more and enjoy this great city more.

Then this afternoon.....the 1st Lady and I went over to the Billards Room....and spent an hour or so playing pool. It has been many moons since we have played and it was great fun.....even though neither one of us will ever play in any championship!!! HAHAA!

Later this afternoon, I grilled those huge T-bone steaks which we had picked up yesterday at a Meat Market.......they cut them just the thickness we desired.....almost an inch thick. WOW......OMG, they were tremendous!!!!!! She made a great little salad and baked a couple of potatoes to accompany the steaks, and I also had a glass of my dark red medicine. I've stayed away from this med since I started taking the meds for flowing properly......and this dark red medicine really went down very easily!!!! Again......the steaks were super....and we will return to the Meat Market for more meat prior to heading north.

After dinner and the usual clean-up, we heard a knocking at the front door.....we had the a/c running as it was getting really warm.....and it was Doug and Diane!!! WHAT a joy to sit and visit with them.......wonderful, positive, fun-loving couple that we really enjoy being with. They want us to "caravan" to Mustang Island together on Sunday morning......they are going up there also.....and that sounds like a great we will drive up together: they have a beautiful motorhome....and we will have be towing TheHowserHouse. They had planned to go on to New Orleans with us, but they are having some slide problems and have decided to pass by N.O. and go straight to Red Bay, Alabama, where the Tiffin Company is located...the maker of their coach.
We had great plans to really do Bourbon Street in a great way......but, alas.......that doesn't look like it will work out now......DAMN! However, I KNOW what it is like to have an issue with an RV....and how necessary it is to get these things fixed as quickly as possible, before they become worse! Sooooo.........we will just have to postpone that little adventure until another time!!

A great day............relaxing, restful, enjoyable!!!! know, it just solidifies my very strong feelings that.......

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!

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