Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What a great weather change!!!

Cloudy....breezy from the north.....and COOL!!!!!! It was a great day, albeit a bit tooooo gray. However,......the sun managed to sneak out late this afternoon and brighten the remains of the day.

I always wonder when it is this time of the evening.......just exactly where my morning (and sometime the entire day) went!!!!!???? I keep thinking of other retirees who have said...."I stay really busy and just don't have enough time to get it all done, but I can't really say what I have done"........and I thought that perhaps they were just losing their memories with advancing age. WELLLLLLLLLLL........the same damn thing can be uttered from my lips.......because I oftentimes feel exactly the same damn way!!!! it my memory and advancing age???
DON'T answer that question!!!

I just sort of .....well, as the old saying goes.....farted around this morning......and not LITERALLY!!! I watch the "new" Today set, new co-hostess.......and it was just ....ok. Then I did some research online for a few items.......and good was time for lunch. What the Hell????? My entire Life is now zipping along out of control.........

This afternoon, while the 1st Lady was over at the gym doing her exercises, I took my two mile walk.......and my pace is improving. I can now make the same mileage in about 26-27 minutes....depending on if I must move my jiggling hulk to the side of the road to save myself from being either struck by huge dump trucks or mauled by dogs. If the trucks "get" me.....I will be sued, but if the dogs "get" me, I will sue........hahaha.

After the quick two miles......I worked abit in the yard....and then gave three music lessons. After the dinner prepared by the 1st Lady, I hurried my ass out to the low-paying WalMart to make a hurried, one-item purchase. was back to the den, my lap-loving lappie and the tellie.

How was your glass today???? Was it half full....or half empty??? Have your changed your outlook???? Are you living in "fear"???? If so, are you satisfied with that style and way of living??? After traveling to 41 countries during my far......and having been shot at as I flew over Viet Nam as our troubled USAF cargo plane attempted to limp back to Thailand just over the tree tops in Laos.......I do not live in Fear. After almost drowning during a 7 day rafting expedition in Alaska......I do not live in Fear. After having climbed to the top of the highest mountain in the Wyoming Big Horns....I do not live in Fear. Sooooo, do I live in "fear" because certain ads on the tellie and various shouting speeches try to warp my mind to make me feel all scared and frightened that my security and my safety is vulnerable.....and that I am in danger (depending on the way I vote)????? HELL NO.......I can think for myself. I have an education that allows me to read, meditate, and come to my own decisions. And you know something?? I have really had more than enough of this type of bullshit!!!!!!!!!!

My glass is half fact, it is completely full and over-flowing with Life, and no matter what I am told........

LIFE IS GREAT........and I certainly hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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