Sunday, September 06, 2009

Day 25, Sept 6, 2009: Where DO these days go?????

Awakened this morning to some variable cloudy skies, but they cleared our fairly quickly. The 1st Lady, after breakfast, did some laundry......the laundry basket was getting quite full, so it was time to find several washers and dryers to get it all done. While she was gone I went up to our lot/site-to-be and began to move some rocks and stones around so the resort can do some fill work on the edge of our property line.

When she had the laundry all done, she went up there with me....and once again we tried to visualize and measure where we might put TheHowserHouse on the lot. We have many options for the lot is very good size!! It can go along on side of the property line....or along the line 90 degrees differently....or diagonally or in the middle of the lot....or...or???? We want the best view of the mountains that we can get.....and yet, I am not wanting to move the utility hookups to far from where they are now. Sooooo, lots to decide in the NEAR future!!!!!

The afternoon came.....and went!!!! And then, it was time to go to Mac/Gail's for a real turkey breast dinner, along with Revy and John. We all carried in some additional dishes to go with the turkey/dressing/gravy......and it was a meal for royalty!!!!! Gail is such a fantastic cook....and she just outdid herself this afternoon!!!!! And then.....THEN...the fresh peach pie which she made and was STILL warm when we ate it.....WOW...WOW...WOW. I had better get my ass out of this resort or they will have to widen the gate for me to exit before long!!!!!

The weather??? What the hell do you expect??? BEAUTIFUL.....upper 70's with some great breezes blowing those beautiful white puffy clouds over the mountain ranges!!! Am I in heaven????? If only I could just snap my fingers and have our new lot-to-be designed, and completed with plants and concrete patio. Wouldn't that be nice?????

Earlier this week I made our reservations with Northwest Airlines, through Expedia, for our trip next month to Hartford, CT. Well, today...I got an email on my iPhone that they had changed our itinerary!!!! And......after calling Expedia agents, one told me a completely different schedule than the other one, from which I had been cut off of the phone because of the poor AT&T service here in the valley. Soooooo....which one do I believe?????? DAMN!!!! I just fired off an email to Expedia about this......and the email was slightly burned on the edges from the fire coming out of my mouth as I wrote!!!

This morning....I neglected to say above.....the new "neighbors" across the street from our lot came over to introduce themselves. Seemed like great people....from Salt Lake City....and they have a class A motorhome on their corner lot, which is nicely landscaped and looks gorgeous!!! Soooo, we are meeting more and more people here in this RV Resort....and THAT we LOVE!!!!!

And so...........another day has disappeared from my Life! many do I have left???? Time is bound to be getting shorter for this sagging hulk of Me.....right??? I feel like I am just picking up speed like a ball doing down hill.......except this is my sagging hulk bouncing around as I go faster and faster down this Hill of Life. WHAT a

You DO know what I am about to say.....and even though it gets written every IS still valid and sooooooo strongly felt by me:

LIFE IS JUST REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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