Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 77: A travel day to Port Aransas, TX.......

Well......I was up at 6:45 this morning, had my French Roast coffee, and then began the tasks of getting ready to move TheHowserHouse up the road after sitting beautifully in Llano Grande RV Resort......resting peacefully and enjoying the gorgeous, albeit windy, weather. It took me a little longer than I had anticipated as I had waited on certain tasks until this morning......something I should not have done, and won't do again. Nevertheless...........we were ready by 9AM and walked over to Porter's Phaeton to see if they were ready to travel. Within about 20 minutes we were both lined up and ready to exit the Resort for a short trip north.

We traveled the 177 miles in a short time......stopping once for Doug to get fuel and we decided to have an early lunch in Porter's Phaeton........and after the brief lunch, we fired up the diesels and were soon on the road again. I took the lead leaving Llano Grande until we reached the Harlingen area where Doug took the lead. Then as we arrived at Corpus Christi I took the lead and we crossed over North Padre and then on north over to Mustang Island......arriving at Pioneer RV Park by a bit after 2pm.

Stopping at the Office.....we were assigned our sites in a VERY full rv park!!!! Doug had to back in his large motorhome to the assigned site......and I had to make a very tight U-turn around another large 5er and managed to squeeze by the end of that rv to finally get into my site. WOW......I am spoiled!!!!! After 2.5 months at beautiful Llano Grande with such HUGE, HUGE sites, we feel a bit claustrophobic here as the other rigs are sooooooooo much closer to TheHowserHouse than we have been used to!!!! Really believe that where we are now is much, much closer to the norm than those wonderful sites at just forgets how great Llano really is!

After hooking up the umbilical cords to the power station, stabilizing TheHowserHouse with the rear jacks, and the 1st Lady getting the inside restored to it's great living conditions......there was a knock on the door and Diane and Doug and two friends of their's from Llano were here for small gab session with drinks........only 3pm, so can't really call it a Happy Hour, can I?????(Sure I IS 5 0'clock somewhere!)

Our little group broke up and Doug and Diane and the 1st Lady and the sagging hulk of me took a walk to the beach, enjoying the surf, the windy damp air, but disliking the gloomy, foggy air.....but what the hell!!!! We ARE at the beach on an island in the Gulf of Mexico!!!!! The girls went for a bare feet walk, winding up in the surf and Doug and I wandered around a bit, hoping to see some "Girl's Gone Wild".......but, was not to be! Too cool out here...and every spring breaker seemed to be huddled together behind vehicles out on the beach to block the winds.

We returned to the Park.....about a five minute walk on a boardwalk through a sand dune....and arrived our RV, separated from the beach by one RV and the sand dune. We then walked over to Porter's Phaeton, had drinks, appetizer, and a Happy Hour at the correct time. The 1st Lady and I then returned to TheHowserHouse, one street away from their motorhome, got ourselves presentable and then the Porters and their friends and ourselves all went into Port Aransas and had the best fish dinner(s) that I have ever experienced in all my travels around the world.

We dined at the Wharf Restaurant and five of us had Mahi-Mahi sauteed in garlic and butter. I had mine sauteed in lemon-butter with capers. WOW....WOW....WOW....WOW.....this was a four WOW dinner!!!! Huge portions of fish, prepared with an outstanding touch by the chef.....with just the right amount of seasoning and butter, breaded ohhhhh sooooo lightly, a light crispness surrounding the flaky and not overdone meat of an excellent fish!!!!! Simply stunning in it's flavor.......and while very rich, it was......well.......the very best fish I have ever eaten!!!! Along with it was a salad, their award winning home-made bread, the best zucchini I have been served......grilled with a oil and butter coating....and some rice. GO....GO....GO...there to eat when in Port Aransas. Put it on you list of places where you must eat!!!

A HUGE THANKS to Pete and Jane Brandon of Las Cruces, NM.....members of our Cedar Creek RV Owners Club......who visited us last month in Llano. They had stayed here for a few weeks and had eaten at the Wharf.....and highly, highly recommended it to right they were!!!! We are indebted to you for a wonderful dinner experience!!!

Returning to TheHowserHouse, we just kicked back, watched a bit of tellie that one needs no brains to understand....and then decided to just shut the damn thing off!!! It has been a wonderful of travel........a wonderful day with our friends Doug and Diane.......a wonderful dinner!!! What more can we ask for???? And soooooooo, sitting here only a few minutes walk from the Gulf of Mexico...close enough to hear the surf pounding,.........

LIFE IS INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!!!........And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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