Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 72: WOW.....Gorgeous Day!!! Time to clean......

Up at the regular time.....coffee done at the regular time......and the 1st Lady awakened a bit earlier than usual as she had a Line Dancing class at 9AM. After she left, I went through my morning rituals.....and by the time she returned, I had consumed another cup of coffee. She suggested a walk....and so, off we went for a half hour of a non-power walk.

THEN.....I decided that with the soft breezes from the north, a very clear blue sky, and a bright sun......it was a great day to wash TheHowserHouse. After a bit of preparations, I began the daunting task. OMG, was it ever filthy!!!! I went on top and there was a thin coat of ashes from the constant burning of the sugar cane fields.....and then those ashes have been drifting down upon all of the rv's here in the resort..........and I sure as hell got my share of them on top of ours!!!!!!!!

Soooo, with brush in hand, a bucket of soapy water on my other arm, and the hose wrapped around my waist, I mounted the roof using the rv ladder on the rear end. Of course.......it took quite a bit of scrubbing and all of the residue then wound up running down all four sides of the rig!! UGH!!!! However, after quite a bit of time on top.......the roof was looking fairly clean....and all the sides were dirtier than when I decided to wash it!!

From that point on, I worked on the sides, using a long pole with a brush on the end, a bottle of black streak remover, and a chamois skin to dry off the HARD water that we have here. The last time I washed it....there were water drops visible over the entire Gel-Coat siding......another UGH!!! Sooooo, by 3:30pm......I was finished......I was totally 110% exhausted......I was aching in my bad shoulder.......and I left the windows until tomorrow. I DID get the front end...the front cap of the rig.......WAXED!!! Yep.......that was needed and so I got it done. Perhaps now as we travel for the next 2-3 weeks, some of those nasty bugs down here in the south will slide off a bit easier....HA!

Inside.......I collapsed on the sofa with a bottle of water in my hand. It was about an hour before I regained a bit of Life in my very, very sagging hulk......I do believe I am a bit out of shape. I haven't been lifting weights while down here.....and my muscles just don't get the workout they need by riding my bike. Sooooo, in April....I will have to get back to lifting!!!!

The 1st Lady fixed a GREAT casserole for supper with a cold, crisp salad using her own balsamic vinegar dressing which she makes from time to time. Yummmmmmy!!!!! She had also baked a loaf of banana bread while I spent those 4.5 hours cleaning the outside of TheHowserHouse....and WOW....was it ever wonderful!!!! She is an excellent cook!!!!!

This evening......it was American Idol on the tellie....and I am soooo impressed with the high quality of soooooo many of the final 12 contestants!!!! Yep....there were a couple of performances this evening that didn't come up to the high standards of the others. Now.....I hope the voters are truthful to the talent and quality of all of them and vote for the ones most qualified.

Tomorrow: I have an appt. at 8am to have the oil changed on the truck and anything else that needs to be taken care of. An early awakening for me......and, probably the 1st Lady as the shower always wakes her up.

OK.....my arms are screaming at me for typing soooooo much this evening after the difficult workout they had today, sooooooo......enough is enough!!! Even though it was a HUGE work day for me...........

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!!........And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!

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