Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 71: Another wonderful day.........

Up at in hand a few minutes later......and then I awakened the 1st Lady about 8:30. By that time I had had my morning cereal.....and soon after the 1st Lady came downstairs, I was in the shower....and soon had the morning rituals completed.

Another bike ride??? That is the question she asked of me.....and so, we hopped on the bikes and rode around the resort for about 30 minutes. No wind......did you read that?? NO WIND!!!!! After a quick discussion, we decided to go square dancing this afternoon over at Alama Rec-Veh.....and since we had to go to Pharr today to pick up some new name badges, we ran over there first, but they weren't done. Soooo, back to Rec-Veh.......and two hours of great fun-filled dancing with about 24 others.

Do you know that the other day one of our acquaintances had brought a device that counts steps walked.......and she had walked 17,000 steps over 2.5 hours of dancing.......and she said that she figured that was close to FIVE miles!!!! Wow.........GREAT exercise, huh????

After the dance was over.......WAIT!!!!! Let me tell you that if you wanted to dance in the mornings.....or the afternoons......or the evenings.......there are dances of all kinds EVERY day during these time will not go "wanting" for a dance!!!! It is really almost comical how many of us spend soooo much time dancing.........are we reverting to the days of our youth????? Hmmmm.......sure makes me wonder!!

After the dance......we went back to Pharr, picked up our badges and stopped at the incredible bakery there and purchase several pastries.........and they charge by the weight. Our bill came to $1.32 for five large pastries!!!!! Hard to believe!!!! But.....let me say again.....that the cost of meals here are unbelievably inexpensive.......everything here seems to be sooooooo cheap...except the gasoline!

Back to the resort and TheHowserHouse.........and we decided to grill some hamburgers this evening along with some fried potatoes and baked beans. BUT.....OMG.....about the time I was getting ready to grill......this very strong cool front drove through the RGV....with winds registering at 42 mph out of the north!!!!! Sooooo, I move the table and grill to the rear of TheHowserHouse.....and cooked the burgers there. WOW......a great supper.....and one of my favorites; hamburgers, baked beans, fried potatoes, grilled onions, peppers and mushrooms to accompany the burgers! Yuuuummmmmmyyyyy!!

The winds have now abated and things have quieted down, but it has also cooled down, too. We have only 5 days left here in the Valley.......DAMN!!!! I will miss this place, our friends from all over the country and Canada whom we have run with these past 2.5 months, and the many, many, many great times we have had here this winter. THIS is what retirement should be like during the winter months.......WOW!!!!! WE CANNOT WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR!!!!!

In fact.......we have been discussing purchasing a lot/site here in the resort for TheHowserHouse to sit on during the winter months, or at anytime during the year. The prices of a site will go up by $5000 in three weeks....April 1st.....and so we do need to discuss and think and discuss this topic again....quickly.

I have been asked to post some pictures of Llano Grande......and since I haven't taken any this year, I will revert back to last year's photos of the, if you saw them last year, I'm sorry that they are the same ones.

It has been another wonderful day..........and of always.....

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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