Sunday, March 09, 2008

Day 70: MORE winds and warmth......and more dancing!

UGH......the change of time with an old sagging, evolving hulk is not easy to adjust to.....however, I pulled myself out of the horizontal position at the NEW 7am.....came downstairs and turned on the French Roast coffee.......and soon I was just fine with that steaming mug of that dark and rich elixir in my hand!!! As usual, I read the online newspapers and then woke the 1st Lady....who groaned and said "another hour, please"....hahahaa. She, too doesn't adjust to earlier hours easily!!

After breakfast, we took a bike ride around the resort.......stopping a moment to visit with Doug and they were washing their motorhome......Porter's Phaeton (is that a good name for it?). No matter the subject we discuss, we always end up in hilarious laughter........what a fantastic couple they are.......sooooo positive and kind of people!!! Looking forward to spending more time with them at Port Aransas....and hopefully, in New Orleans, also!

After the bike ride, we hurried around and decided to go shopping at the outlet mall just east of Mercedes. Spending 3-4 hours there, we came away with only a couple of sacks......GREAT!!! I'm just not impressed with this particular mall.........can never find anything there that I can't live without!

Returning to the resort and TheHowserHouse, the 1st Lady fixed a skillet of sauerkrat and sausages and some potatoes.......and we enjoyed a kleine Deutsch Abendessen. Not too long after I had the kitchen cleaned up, we got ready to leave for Pharr....on the west end of the RGV and the Sunday night square dance with Joe Saltel calling at Tropic Star Resort. We were picked up by Don and Maria who also had picked up Doug and Diane.....and off we went for two hours of great fun and friends!!!!!!! Joe is a wonderful caller......and with over 50 people there, we had a BLAST!!!!

We returned to TheHowserHouse about 9:30 after saying our goodbyes to Charlie and Kathy who are leaving in the morning for Big Bend NP and then they will soon start their trek back to Cornwall, Ontario, Canada....their home base. We will be going there in late June or early July and plan to spend a couple of days with them........they have a sailboat and we may spend a couple of days sailing with them.

Ahhhhh........tonight was soooooo damn much more fun than last Sunday because my mind AND my body are in such better shape tonight than last week!!! Yep.......when something is bothering you physically, your mind is also in terrible shape worrying about that problem and the cause of that problem!!!! Many of you have experienced that stress, haven't you????? It is not often that I have a health problem and so when it does happen, I find it a bit difficult to accept since I have had great health most of my Life. And.........this week has seen that problem slowly go away.....and I certainly hope that the main cause is just a natural evolution of this sagging hulk of me. I will see a urologist when I return to Missouri but for now......the meds seem to have unstopped the plumbing problems and everything is flowing almost completely normally........YEAH!!! Do I like to be taking meds daily......HELL no, but the alternative is much, much worse,, I will take two little pills each day and enjoy the peace of mind that it brings!!!

I am sitting by an open window that is on the south end of TheHowserHouse......the slide extension of the den.....and the most wonderful, sweet fragrance is being pushed by the soft, warm breezes into the is just intoxicating!!! It comes from the flowering orange and grapefruit trees here in the resort and the orchards around the is sooooo wonderful!!!!!! I just can't get enough of this is almost overpowering!!! WOW!!!!

Tonight.....the low is to be around 69 degrees....and tomorrow another warm day with possible thunderstorms. OK.....I can handle that because the rains are needed around here.

And soooooo, another day.....Day 70......of our winter in Texas experience has come to a close.....and you know by now that even with a few problems on some days, this day as all the others finds me exclaiming that......

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!

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