Saturday, March 08, 2008

Day 69: NO wind...makes for a gorgeous day for going to Mexico!

Yep.....during the night the winds died away....and this morning it was quiet and clear and a beautiful day!! Today the highs were in the mid-70's........just my kind of day.

After Fr. Roast coffee, hot tea for the 1st Lady....and a bit of breakfast.....we dashed to WalMart where I had to pick up another packet of medication.....I had left the script there yesterday. Then we were off to Mexico. As the border is only a few miles....about 4 from where TheHowserHouse is sitting......we soon found ourselves in one of the two parking lots on the American side of the Rio Grande. Then it was the short quarter of a mile walk across the Progreso Bridge and into Mexico.......with the sidewalks filled with shoppers from the USA!! We ambled around........dropped into some various stores......all stores are geared to the "tourist" from the USA......and just enjoyed wandering and looking. We priced some meds at the various pharmacies........and then the 1st Lady purchased some for her Mother....and for her brother. Mine are cheaper at WalMart......

I also bought some more containers of the chocolate candies filled with Kuhlua and with Irish Creme Liqueur........absolutely wonderful candies!!!! Sooooo yummy!!!! And with that quick burst of flavor that explodes in your mouth with that first bite!!!

We also purchased a pottery flower container in the shape of a green frog......or should I just say frog, as green doesn't have anything to do with the shape of the little thing.....does it? was off to "The Red Snapper".....where we love to eat!!! Today.....we both have the fried shrimp.....butterflied, fried, and crispy........just wonderful!!!! They served a very fresh and chilled salad.....after the chips and hot salsa had arrived......the salsa was served hot.....soooo damn good. The shrimp were wonderful......just perfect....and my mouth is watering for some more as I write this!! You can't go wrong by having fried shrimp at "The Red Snapper" in Progreso, Mexico!!!!!!!!!

We also really, really enjoyed the vocalist at "The Red Snapper"!!!!! I was soooooo damned impressed by his voice......soft, silky, and just right for the music and the songs he sang!!!! Honestly......he was REALLY good!!!

We walked around some more, with this sagging hulk carrying the rather huge frog pottery container everywhere we went......and it began to become rather tiring, so we headed back to the bridge....and after going through Passport Control......we were back on the north side of the river. The passport checkers did look into my backpack to see the meds we had purchased, but no problemo!!! Everything was good.....and they sent me on towards the parking area.

I don't think that I mentioned above.......when I went around to the clothes hanger on the ladder of TheHowserHouse to get my towel this morning..........some man out walking his dog came up to me and told me how much he enjoyed this blog!!!! Yep....another reader that is here in the resort.......said someone else in the resort had told him about it and so he reads it all the time!!! Hardly a day goes by that someone else doesn't come up, introduce themselves, and tell me how much they like reading these ramblin' thoughts of mine. Hmmmmm........sure surprised me!!!!

This evening we went to Alamo Rec-Veh RV park to see a live show......."The Laughing Bird".....and OMG, what an entertaining show.......filled to the brim with laughter and great stories, as well as some very good music by this husband/wife duo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are still appearing in the RGV, so if you haven't seen them...........MAKE HASTE....and don't miss their show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't enjoyed something like their show for a very LONG, LONG time!!!!! The price is, just get your bodies to the next performance, and take my word for it: YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY YOU ARE THERE!!!!!!
Several couples of our square dancing friends were there and they, too, felt that this is just a tremendous show for the RGV!!!!! I can't wait to see them again......they have two different shows and I really would like to catch the one we haven't seen!

This has been a fun day!!! With our departure looming in the near the Sunday, the 16th.......I am getting a bit depressed about leaving this area. More on this later........

You know what I am about to write......and it is the truth...........that,

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!........And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

Returning to TheHowserHouse, we just got comfortable, flicked on the fireplace to take the little chill off of the den.....and have just kicked back and enjoyed a few shows on the tellie. Tomorrow......we have a dance to go to during the evening............

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