Friday, March 07, 2008

Day 68: Windy and very very cool!! was a bit nippy in TheHowserHouse when I came downstairs this morning so I quickly pressed the start button on the coffee machine.....went into the den and turned on the fireplace....and soon it was toasty warm in the room and steaming coffee in my hand!! The sun came up and soon warmed the east side of TheHowserHouse.....and before very long I was reading the online morning papers. The winds became even stronger and stronger.........and lasted that way throughout the day.

The 1st Lady went to do the laundry while I took care of the morning rituals.....and soon she was back and we had breakfast. At noon I went to Wal-Mart to take the new script and pick up the one I turned in yesterday.......all of which took a full hour. Stand in line to turn in the new script.....and then change lines and stand again to pick up yesterday's.........DAMN!!!!! Surely Wal-Mart can afford to hire more employees in the Pharmacy Dept!!!!!

Returning to the resort, I had a bite to eat and then began the new meds.........for a time I felt a bit strange but the feeling passed......and it was soon time to go to Charlie and Kathy's RV. We had been invited over for drinks and some supper before going to the Friday square dance here at Llano Grande. They are from Cornwall, Ontario, Canada.........and Doug and Diane who were also there, are also Canadians who live in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

We had some wonderful conversation over drinks and fresh shrimp appetizers......lots of laughs, plans for next year....etc, etc. Very quietly and easily, Kathy had supper ready in a very few minutes: tossed salad, a chicken/rice/mushroom casserole, and fresh rolls. WOW!!! Sooooo good!!!! Then the dessert: Lemon Meringue Pie!!!! OMG.......what a wonderful, tasty creation from the Kitchen of Kathy!!!! It was a great late afternoon at their home-on-wheels!!!

Then we realized the time and we quickly all drove to Llano Grande for the Friday night square dance.....and ohhhhhhhhhh......what a fun-filled two hours we had!!!!! It was sooooooo much fun with sooooo much laughter as we danced......just a blast!!!!

Tomorrow?? We are going over to Progreso, Mexico.....most likely for the last time this winter. A bit of shopping to do.......and then we have tomorrow evening planned.........busy, busy, busy!!!!

Another fun-filled day...........can it get any better than this???? I don't think so.......and with that said.....

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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