Thursday, March 06, 2008

Day 67: Let's see....Dr.'s appt......96 degrees.....cold front....

OK......where do I begin?? Up this morning at 7am, as usual, Fr. Roast coffee in my hand about 5 minutes later......and many thoughts then running through my cell-losing brain. Today I was scheduled for a Dr.'s appointment at 9:40am.......however, the scheduler at the clinic had told me to "call in" about 10:30 as this Dr. ALWAYS is late......being the model of the old "country doctor" of the past. Soooo, after going over to the Library with the 1st Lady, we returned to TheHowserHouse and I made the call over to McAllen to the Clinic. Yep.....he was not there yet!!! So, about 11:15 I called again, and I was told to come on in to the Clinic........about a 30 minute drive from here.

So, we went into McAllen.......and I was only in the waiting room for about 5-10 minutes before I was called in the back area where the exam rooms for the five doctors are located. BP was taken, etc., etc. ...and soon I was in the specified doctor's exam room......and I waited.....and waited....and I waited......and he finally came in about 12:45, about 45 minutes after I had been told to have a seat in there.....HAHA! So, then as the next HOUR progressed, I found myself experiencing the most intense and detailed physical I have had since I was inducted into the USAF in 1966!!!! GREAT!!!! And, of course, he wanted to do another prostate exam........sure getting used to these "invasions" of my body.

Bottom line after all of the verbal questions, my answers, and his physical PSA, which given this past Monday......well, it is completely normal! THAT was a relief!! I have some Scoliosis.......never heard this before!.......and that I drink tooo much caffeine....surprise, surprise!!! He told me to contact a urologist in Missouri for an appt, while I am down here, and then I won't have to wait for any length of time when I arrive home. continue with the Cipro, for infections,.......continue with the Flomax, to relax/shrink the prostate, and then he wrote another script for some meds that is also supposed to make things better for my plumbing problems.........Hopefully!!!!! The Flomax will take a few more days before any affects will be noticed......and I hope that they ARE noticed as that will be more indicative that it IS a "growing problem" and not some other problem that interrupts the normal process of the plumbing.

Sooooo.........this sagging hulk of me is evolving as I very quickly reach the age of 65 at the end of this month. How that can this be happening to me sooooooooo damn quickly in my Life????? Where the hell did the time disappear to sooooo fast???? Am I ACTUALLY getting OLD??????? What about my mind?? Is it getting old, too,....but I just don't notice it??? Are people making whispered comments behind my back that "that old man is losing it"?????? Am I ready for all of this shit???? Am I ready to find myself not being able to do the things I want to do????? Hmmmmmm...........I've always heard that "getting old is Hell".....but, you know.....You/I think that THAT will never happen to me......right???? Soooooooooo........

All of you younger ones out there in cyberspace had better think again!!!! Your time is waaayyyy too short, so for God's sake.......begin doing THE things that you want to do.....NOW!!! Don't wait for those days when you retire.........OK???? Get going and enjoy the hell out of Life. I have traveled the world......45 countries.....and I realize that I may not be able to get to the other ones that I would like to visit and enjoy and experience.....but,....BUT....I am not going to stop now!!!! We are already talking about this fall and where we might fly off experience a different culture, to see things that we want to see, to expand our minds by getting into the culture of other people/places.........After all, I was an explorer in one of my previous Lifetimes........

Ok.....the rest of the day:

We decided to have a late 3pm lunch there in McAllen.......and we had heard good reviews about Costa Messa....a nice Mexican restaurante. Soooo, found it, parked and entered to find many tables this time of day...... We were seated quickly and began going over the extensive menu. I ordered Chile Relleno which is accompanied by rice, small on-plate salad, refried beans, and a bowl of soup. The 1st Lady ordered Enchiladas covered by a rich chocolate and chile sauce.
I LOVED was sooooo good, so steaming hot, sooo spicy hot......really, really very good. The 1st Lady is just NOT a fan of Mexican cuisine.....and so, she did not completely finish hers....but I ate a couple of bites....and it was very good.

For me......I believe this is the best Tex-Mex restaurant that I have eaten in since we were in Santa Fe, NM....last March. I talked about it in the March, 2007 Archives........I would certainly recommend anyone in the RGV area eating at Costa Messa.........!!! It is just off of Pecan block north....on 11th street. Our lunches and iced teas with taxes were totaled out at slightly less than $22.00........a great price for these large and delicious meals!

On the way back we knew it was really, really warm with the southern winds blowing and then we saw several temps on various boards saying it was 96 degrees!!!! THANK GOD for the winds!!!!

We stopped in at a Square Dance clothing shop......a home-run business....and ordered some little badges for ourselves denoting that we are official "International Square Dancers"....having danced in Reynosa, Mexico last weekend.

Following that, we dropped into a really nice bakery in Pharr....and purchase some wonderful pastries..........ohhhhh sooooo good!!!! We will go back there again before leave here at the end of next week......

The rest of the afternoon and early evening was spent here at TheHowserHouse....and we watched and felt the cold front move through the area......with huge storm clouds to the east over by the Gulf Coast. Tonight in the 40's....after being in the 90's today!!! Just like Misery in this respect!!!

And soooo, an interesting day.....a day of some relief with the "normal" PSA report.....but yet, still a lingering question or two in my aging mind about just exactly what IS causing my plumbing problems for certain. I age and my sagging hulk begins to sag and wither away as the coming years fly by.....well, nothing has changed.......because....

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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