Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Day 66: A beautiful day....and lots of fun!!

Up at 7am this morning........and by 7:30 the 1st Lady was up and going strong. I had my Fr. Roast coffee, freshly picked Ruby Red grapefruit, and cereal........and then I had an "assignment" to complete. I had received an email from my piano student who needed a recommendation from me for a music scholarship......soooo, I spent some time doing that for him.

The 1st Lady went off to Line Dancing, I puttered around TheHowserHouse, straightening the patio furniture, doing a bit of cleaning inside.....and before long the 1st Lady was back. We read a bit and then had a bite of lunch. Soon we were off to the Rec Hall for a two hour square dance with dancers from around the was fun and great exercise!

Returning to TheHowserHouse.......we just kicked back, ate a light supper, and waited until it was time to leave for the Peppermint Palace and our evening square dance. Tonight was soooo much fun......such a GREAT caller: Jerry Storey!!! We danced for over two hours and even though we were exhausted, it just felt really GREAT!!!!

We had taken Diane and Doug, Ron and Linda, with us.......a truckful of great friends!!! On the way back to Llano Grande we stopped at IHOP and had a bite of caloric food.......ummmmm. Not the very best for late night eating, but it was filling for those who needed something to eat. Again.....plenty of laughs......AND....

As we were all getting out of the truck at IHOP's, this tall young man in the parking lot headed into IHOP stopped! He turned and then looking at the 1st Lady and myself asked: "Are you from Fredericktown?"

GOOD GOD!!!! Here we are...about four miles from the Mexican border.....and someone in the dark parking lot stops and asked us if we were from Fredericktown!!!!!!! Well....we both picked up our jaws off the parking lot and I told him that "Yes" we were from Fredericktown. He then walked over and called me Mr. Howser.....said he had not been in Band, but that he knew us both. Then he said he was in our daughter's class(Dr. Jeni of 1992)!!! His name: Ferren Teabeau....the spelling is just a guess! I knew that I had seen him, but it has been a long, long time. He is a minister in a Spanish speaking church in Weslaco......and has quite a Texas drawl....
WHAT a is a very, very small world!!!!!!!

Returning to the resort.......I dropped off Ron/Linda....and Doug/Diane.....and we are now in TheHowserHouse....and very tired. It has been a good day........and it sure makes one realize that.....

LIFE IS REALLY GREAT!!!!!.......And I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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