Sunday, November 23, 2008

SAT/SUN: Two days.....each very different!

Yesterday, Saturday, it was a very dark gray day here and I could tell from the minute I pulled my sagging hulk out of the horizontal position, fighting the gravity the whole time, I knew that my throat was going to scream at me...very loudly.

It was very sore.....seems to have been nasal drainage, but that is rather unusual for me. But....not for yesterday. Soooo, I found myself just sort of laying around, reading some online newspapers, playing Free Cell on the pc, and then making a quick trip to the magnificent Mini-SuperWalmart....(I'm being sarcastic). And then.....I just watched some programs on the tellie, read some more.....and became a couch potato/sagging bum.

Today....a gorgeous day...and no throat problems????!!!!! Curious, but I won't complain. Soooo, after watching my morning talking heads shows, I went out and began to mow and mulch the millions and millions of leaves in the yard. The mower I have had really does a great job of mulching the leaves, but I find that I have to mow slower to make sure they are properly mulched....hmmm, I wonder just what a "properly mulched" leaf looks like???

I was nicely interrupted by the visit of Andrew Gipson and we enjoyed a cup of left-over French Roast coffee from the warmer.....and some great conversation. No deer from either day of hunting, but he had a great time though with family and the outdoors....different than the band room he normally finds himself in each day with many kids.

After he left, I finished the lawn/leaves.....and was back inside by the sun was already gone, covered by some more gray clouds. After a brief rest........I fixed some polish sausage and sauerkraut, one of my long-time favorites. was soooooo good!!!

Early evening and I began to watch some of the tellie.....and OMG, I watched 60 Minutes on CBS.....and OMG, OMG!!!! There was a long story on this incredible, amazing teenager who is blind, but is a musical savant.....and THAT is an understatement!!!! All I can if you didn't get to see this program......then find it online at the CBS website and watch it........I am still just overwhelmed by it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still upset with Directv......when it is not on an HD program on the plasma, then it is blurry and not clear and distinct. No, it shouldn't look like the HD programs, but it should look very good.......and it is just not good at all!!! On HD, it is very good....not sure it is as good as with Charter cable.....but it is sooooo much better than the regular tv programs that are not on HD.

Now.....the HD DVR is wonderful. It does such a super job of recording the programs just like they look on the live HD shows......and it is soooooo much better than our TIVO!!!!!!!!! UGH, UGH....what to do. Guess I will wait until Tuesday when the Directv technician arrives and then if he can't make some adjustments, we will probably return to Charter Cable TV.

And, tomorrow....time unknown.....our new ss fridge is to arrive. Guess I will call when the store opens in the morning so I will know when to take everything out of the old one, but not too soon as don't want things to warm up very much......especially in the freezer section.

WHEW.....these last few days have been stressful,.....actually that may be an understatement!!! And, there are still a couple of more to come......, not to mention starting to make some adjustments/changes with our cell service/phones. OMG.......all of these marvelous technological advances and equipment can certainly make Life more complex when they don't operate as they should......Are we really better off with all of these things??????? Hmmmm......I really do wonder......

I am watching the History Channel in HD.....and it is truly beautiful. Now, if only the non HD channels would be the somewhere close theses!!!

Ok......a stressful day or two, or three.....but you know, things could be soooo damn much worse!!!! I could be without a job....well shit, I AM without a job, aren't I? OK.....I could be without a house.....soooo, things could be worse....a LOT worse......I could be suffering like many, many are at this moment with no income, housing in jeopardy, no medical insurance,.....tons of things that I take for granted....soooo, you know........I am certain that for me.........

LIFE IS REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for ALL of you, also!!!!!!

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