Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 76: BEAUTIFUL and BUSY!!!!

WOW!!!! What a gorgeous day, finally. These last four days have been sooo gloomy and damp...and just not what we have come to expect from the weather down here in the RGV. The weather looks for the next week.......but, we'll see if that happens.

After the morning rituals, the Tai-Chi, and breakfast and Fr. Roast coffee, the 1st Lady and I made a necessary trip to Walmart and came back loaded down with sacks of only things that we "just had to have". Hmmmmm......

As we had been invited for dinner at Charlie and Katherine's.....our great friends from Cornwall, Ontario, Canada...for late afternoon, the 1st Lady made a dessert after we returned to the resort. Me????? I did some minor repairs underneath the entertainment slide of the RV.....and then just sort of kicked back and soaked up some Vitamin D outside in the chaise lounge. The afternoon slipped by quickly....and soon we were headed west to Trophy Gardens RV Park.

Doug and Diane were already there, and soon Tom and Pat (Kansas) arrived.....each bringing some delicious edibles to contribute to the Happy Hour and the following dinner. We had a fun-filled Happy Hour....with lots of wine flowing very freely....hah!!!! Dinner was served on the patio.....and the Lasagne was super!!!!! As the time was moving quickly, we elected to have dessert after the performance of "Laughing Bird" which was in another RV Park in Pharr. Millie and Don from South Dakota joined us for the show...and it was really great to see them again!

We dashed over there, got good seats up close, and sat back and enjoyed the two hour plus show. Several of us had already seen one of their shows last year down here in the Valley, but this one was basically new to all of us. They are a great couple....with a fun-filled and very musical performance. If anyone in the Valley is reading this, they are still here for a couple of more shows......sooooo, GO SEE THEM!!!!!! You won't be sorry!!!!!

We returned to Charlie/Katherine's for dessert.....and sat around on the patio for an hour or so with some great conversations......and a great dessert!!!! We left for TheHowserHouse about 10:30pm.....and so, I am a wee bit behind in writing this little summary of the day.

Tomorrow: Dancing in the morning, a women's synchronized swimming performance after lunch, and then back here to Llano Grande for the St. Pat's Day party in the street....about two streets up from our site. Should be a super day!!!!!!!!!

A quick and brief telling of my day today........and I am quite tired at this point in time. Toooooooo much of an overdosage of my dark red medicine!!!!!!! I must be more careful in taking on the required dosage of that wonderful medicine, shouldn't I????

And sooooo, a beautiful day with some fun activities and lots of great food........all of which makes more than certain that.........

LIFE IS JUST INCREDIBLY GREAT!!!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!

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