Saturday, August 01, 2009

SATURDAY: WOW...these days fly by sooo quickly I don't have time to write!!!!

Yesterday???? At 7am, without a cup of coffee in my veins, I took the truck over to the Kemp's Auto Body Shop...and left it to have the windshield replaced, the right outside mirror replaced, and the front right door window level check out, as it did not work at all. And then.....I walked back to the stick and brick, had a quick mug of Fr. Roast, changed into my yard working clothes(shorts and t-shirt and UGLY old tennis shoes)....and began the dreaded task of mowing the wet yard. Hmmmm.....with the temps in the 60's when I began, the sky bright blue with very little humidity, the job of getting our large yard mowed was relatively easy....THANK GOD!!!!

I finished in just under three hours.....and then realized we had not made a firm decision on the color of shingles that had to be order during the afternoon. Sooooo, with me dripping personal moisture drops whever I walked and sat, the 1st Lady and I jumped into the car...she drove...and we checked out a couple of places that had just had the color of shingles we were discussing, installed on their roofs. On one house, we were not certain if it was the garage or the house which had the color, as each building had a different shade of brown on it. Soooo, I placed a call to the owner and he confirmed what I thought.....the house had the correct shade of brown on the roof.

Returning to our stick/brick, I called our roofing contractor and gave him the "final answer"....and so, he informed us that the shingles would be placed on our roof on Monday, in packages. YEAH!!!!!!

OOPS.....I then realized that I had an appt. at 1pm to have our tires rotated and balanced on the Park Avenue......sooo, with those many drops of personal moisture still dropping whever I went, I jumped into the shower to do something about cleaning up the sagging hulk of me. And.....I did manage to get the car to the shop in time!!!! And, 20 minutes later I was driving home again.

The afternoon flew by as we discussed the coming week...and the 1st Lady changed her plans for the week. She decided she would go to Dr. Jeni's tomorrow(Sunday) and then leave there on Tuesday and go to her Mother's in Monroe City. She will return here on Thursday evening, will go visit Mike on Friday, and then both of us will go to Monroe City on Saturday for her 45th high school class reunion!! The next day we will drive back to Dr. Jeni's, attend Max's 1st birthday party, and then come on down to the stick and brick, which will then give us two days to get ready to pull out of here on the be gone 6-7 weeks. WHEW!!!!!!

After using our new BBQ grill.....a Weber Q-120 which arrived this afternoon.....I was very satisfied with our decision!!!!!!!!!!!! Works beautifully....and I love the weight and construction of the grill!!!!! It is retains the heat really well.....and it also really looks great for a smaller grill that is portable and can be loaded into the basement of TheHowserHouse for our travels!!!!

Last night was spent in communicating with others online.....all in regards to the upcoming HowserMusicFest......the name given for the reunion of all of my former students, to be held next July. Lots of work to be done with lots of coordination from those who are assigned their various tasks/projects.

TODAY........we were up at 5:45 this morning....GOOD GOD....I don't remember having to drag my sagging hulk out of the bed that early in a long, long time!!!! By 7am, we were off to southeast MO to visit Mike this morning. The afternoon was spent in Cape G. visiting Becky and Rachel and doing a bit of shopping for new clothes for the 1st Lady to wear at her reunion next weekend. We met Becky/Rachel at Panera Bread for a light supper and some fun conversation.....a really great supper!!! We returned to the stick/brick around 7:30.....and have been busy just catching up, making more plans...lists...plans for the wedding in Puerto Vallarta in November....and thoughts about Jeremy's wedding in early March in Mobile, Alabama. Our schedule is just completely filled for the next half year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And sooooooo it goes......tomorrow I need to get the awning on the RV scrubbed and washed...and then begin the waxing of the trailer.....UGH...UGH....UGH!!!!!!!! I am getting sore....just thinking about doing it!!!

A good day....actually a good TWO days.....and, as always.......

LIFE IS JUST REALLY, REALLY GREAT!!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!
( A very different perspective to a current national discussion:)

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