Thursday, March 01, 2007

Day 58: Splendid Weather for Visitors and a Pizza Party

The day dawned clear, brilliant, and.......wonderful!!! WOW......this Arizona weather just goes on and on and on as it stays beautiful each day. I just keep thinking that it can't continue.....but it does...thank God!!! Temps were in the mid-60's....a bit cooler, but a perfect day.

The morning at TheHowserHouse was busy with visitors. And......the friendly park residents/friends all feel comfortable in just dropping in.....and that is sure the way it should be!!! Guess I will have to begin grinding more coffee beans as the Fr. Roast coffee seems to be a favorite as everyone wants some coffee!!! it the aroma.....the beans freshly ground.....or my HowserHouse formula of coffee to water???? Hmmmm.........I wonder.

By late morning we were on our way into town.......a bit of shopping to do. We stopped at Lowe's.....egads....thought I wouldn't ever have to go there again AFTER the remodeling was completed........anyway, we were looking for a fold-up table about 4' long to carry with us for outside patio use. Then it was on down the main drag to a place called Food City which has the most Mexicano food items. Their panderia is really awesome.....(bakery)!!!!! Sooo, I wanted to purchase a few high calorie items,just in case I am not getting enough calories each day....haha!
I picked up some orejas for myself and then an Americano Apple Fritter for the 1st Lady. From there it was back to Frye's.....another supermarket where we like to shop for necessary food items.

After filling the cart, including a bottle my dark red medicine and a 12 pack of Corona......both on sale......we exited the store and went back to TheHowserHouse. Unloaded the truck and managed to get the things stored away.....and before we hardly had completed this task, I heard a diesel pull up..... was the beetle inspectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............No, not was Jim and Judy Watters, the Cedar Creek members who we visited at their RV Park east of Phoenix a few weeks ago........were knocking on our door!!! What a GREAT surprise!!!! Of course, as it is at the stick and brick in is it here at TheHowserHouse.......our door is ALWAYS open!!! We then had such a great visit with them....such a wonderful, warm, and loving couple!!!! It is always soooo great to spend some time with them........THANKS for dropping in on us this afternoon!!!!

Shortly after they left, it was time to go over to the Pizza Party!! Gail had cooked from scratch, including the dough/crust.......SIX homemade pizzas!!!!! And as it has ALWAYS been for the many, many years that she has been making her pizzas........these pizzas were absolutely marvelous!!!!!! Others contributed to the table of eats with slaws, fruit salad, veggies/dips, etc., etc........and no one left all!! As always.......many various topics of conversation dominated the patio during the meal.....and afterwards. THANKS Gail.......for sharing your marvelous talent of pizza making!!!!!

And so......another varied and fun-filled day comes to a close here on the Sonora Desert of Arizona. We are having soooooo damn much fun that these 58 days since we left our stick and brick in Misery(Missouri) have simply flown by! We are now in the process of planning and discussions as to our travel plans for the summer and fall. We know that we will be in Wisconsin the 1st week of June to attend the 2nd International Cedar Creek RV Owners Club Rally........and then the decisions as to which way we travel from there need to be made. We had talked and thought about going to New England and on up to Nova Scotia, but with the decision that the 3rd International CC Rally will be held in '08 at Niagara Falls.......we decided to not "do" New England until then.

Tomorrow........we are going to run up to Mesa to the Swap Meet again and hopefully purchase a new area rug for TheHowserHouse, if it has not been sold yet. Then, we plan to go to Queen Creek to tour the Queen Creek Olive Mill where freshly milled olive oil is made and sold.

You know.......what more can I say this evening but.........

LIFE IS GREAT......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!
(Success comes in Cans......Failure comes in Can'ts)

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