Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25, Jan 25, 2010: Beautiful day to visit Aloe Farm.....and will need to see a dentist...UGH!

We were both up least for us it was early......and by 8:30 we were out the door, picked up Doug and Diane, and were on the highway heading east for a few miles. A tour of the Aloe Farm was scheduled for this morning and we had signed up for this tour three weeks ago. We were all to meet at the Aloe Farm by 9.....and all 21 people arrived on time.

We all got on board a wagon pulled by a tractor and began the tour around the farm.......which has about 200 acres filled with aloe plants and citrus trees. For the next hour we were told about the aloe plant and all of the wonders that it possesses when it comes to skin care and some intestinal assistance.

After that we went into one of the buildings where we met one of the original owners of this aloe farm......and she is 87 years old!!! She talked for an HOUR about the products that they make out of the aloe, her family, and many other stories she had experienced. Following that discussion, we were all given an aloe plant....and then they served us dinner which was ok for "institutional" food. Home cooking it might have been, but it didn't have the flavors that go with that name..."home cooking".

Returning to the resort, I did some "chores" outside TheHowserHouse. By this time....I began to realize that those little twinges I had experienced this morning during the tour....well, it was becoming more than "twinges" and I began to experience pain in my lower left row of teeth. Not constant, but just some sharp shooting pains. Later in the afternoon I began to check out dentists in the RGV and in Mexico. I am now still waiting to hear from a couple of people about dentists in the area!! We talked with Dr. Jeni several times concerning her thoughts, and about insurance, which we I insurance.

Not sure what I will do just yet........not sure what the problem actually is, but it is getting more painful as the time goest by. Taking some Advil......and will take a Z-pack starting tonight for help in prevention........

Sooo, this is short. More later when I feel better. As always......

LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!! (pictures to be added later)

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