Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Day 61, Mar 2, 2010: OMG.....it is BRRRRRRR in BILOXI!!!!!!!

Left the Beaumont area, after filling up with fuel, pulling onto I-10 at 9am, a bit later than we had planned, but there was soooooo much standing water on the ground and concrete that I thought I might need some water-wings just to unhook and get all the hoses, cables, etc stored properly. Had to change shoes/socks, pants legs wet........and a stiff wind was blowing from the north. Anyway.......did get going.......

The winds continued from the north/northwest and every few minutes we were slammed in the side, the rv wobbling around.....and it wasn't pleasant. The traffice became thicker and heavier as we drove across Louisiana.....and the semi's were running in packs, as usual. However, we did get into Biloxi a bit after three, and found the rv park......Cajun RV Resort.....without any problems. I had requested a pull through.....and did get one. Really glad as the back-in sites were really tight and did not allow enough room with the narrow roads to get this rig backed in without brushing against something.....ugh. However, these damn winds were REALLY wild here when we arrived and we about froze to death just getting the umbilical cords attached to the power post. We pulled the shades down to keep the cold air outside the rv as much as possible.......brrrrrrrr....!!!!

That was a long paragraph covering many topics, but they were all part of our arrival. We can see the Gulf/beach from our back window, but too cold to keep the blinds up. We took a small drive both ways on Beach Blvd/Hwy 90....and saw new buildings that have been erected since the storm, but still sooooooooooooooo many open spaces available. All of the beautiful old southern homes were lost....and only a very few have been rebuilt. Sooooo sad!!!

We are now in the process of packing bags to take to the hotel after we leave TheHowserHouse stored at the rv park we are going to use to store it for us. Hope to get on the road tomorrow....only about 60 miles to Mobile...and another 29 to the rv park, soooooo I would like to be returning to Mobile by noon. I did get an early check-in at the hotel downtown, checked on getting the truck parked......and talked with Anne-marie....and we are meeting for dinner at 7pm tomorrow evening. Talked with Jeremy.....and his flt was CANCELED, soooo rather than sit around waiting to get another one, he is just driving down. Told him to get a room for the night someplace along the way....not to drive the 800+ miles down to Mobile overnight!!!!!! Worrying about him as he is sooooooo stressed right now!!!!

Tomorrow,the big problem will be to get this rig out of the rv park...and then finding a way to go around a block or two and get headed in the correct direction. Beach Blvd has a median in the middle that is impossible to get across unless you come out at a stop light.....and that is not what we have to work with here at the rv park......we must turn right, the wrong direction to Mobile. Think I have it worked out mentally, if only it works physically and the trees are not too low in places on one of the streets.

OK.......the winds are howling.....and the temps will be in the upper 30's tonight along the beach area. OMG....what the hell are we doing in an RV along the Gulf right now??????????? Soooooooo damn tired of this cold weather......horrible!!!!!!

And sooooo, need to finish packing.......and I am really tired this evening. This DAMNED chest cold persists no matter what I do.....and the head cold is getting thicker and stronger!!!! Sooooo tired of putting up with this stuff and not feeling good........CRAP with a capital 'S'. But.......

LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!!......And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!

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