Sunday, April 11, 2010

SUN, April 11, 2010: News on the fire......arson????

We had to be gone all Cape G.........and returning here this evening, it now appears that this horrific fire which destroyed the Fredericktown Middle School could have been started by arsonists!!!! The County Sheriff has announced that there are two juveniles in custody in a juvenile detention center......I do not believe that any formal charges have been made as yet, according to the news centers around here.

The walls are still up, but shakey.......but there is virtually nothing left inside the building......which I understand is around 50 years old. The fire was fought all night long and into this morning.....when we left around noon, water was still being poured into the building. At one time there were as many as 80 firefighters doing their highly respected tasks of fighting his HUGE fire. The State Fire Marshall arrived today, but it was not safe to enter the building so I suppose no inspection has been yet.

The MS principal stated that they were able to get into the west end of the building and bring out most of the band instruments that were in the storage room.......I many does the word "most" actually mean???? School for the MS students....grades 6, 7, and 8.....has been canceled for this week as the Administration works on making some type of a plan to get the students back in school so they can finish the year out. With no desks, materials, etc., will take more than churches, city buildings, etc. to house the large number of students and to get them back to school. The Missouri State Dept for Elementary and Secondary Education will be contacted in the morning....Monday....and discussions will then go forward with the "best" solution for getting the students back to school. The elementary and high school will continue with their classes tomorrow.

Soooooo, another disaster strikes month shy of being one year since the "inland hurricane" descended upon the town and tore up sooooooo many places, trees, etc., etc. Hmmmmm......what's next???????

I will now try to get some pictures of the MS on here.....not ones that I have taken but from those who have been in town all day and which I will capture to use here. More tomorrow......and hopefully, some solutions will surface as to the cause....and to the plans for returning the kids to school.

LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!.....And, I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!

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