Monday, June 25, 2007


WOW.......what a GREAT night's sleep!!! Our new bedroom continues to exert it's influence over us......and the quietness is oftentimes forgotten when we are away for a few nights. But.....last night, it was so damn quiet that I slept for a couple of hours longer than I have done in the past couple of weeks. It is so well insulated, the a/c is soooo quiet, and the window treatments hold out the sunlight so well that it is very pleasant with it's quietness!

This morning it was French Roast coffee, finally!! The mugginess outside kept me inside and not on my bird watching patio......damn it. The birds were there but even though they are highly visible through our wall of very large windows, it is just not the same as enjoying the outside.

Not sure where the morning disappeared to......just slips away so easily as I caught up on mail, the news online without having to wait most of the day for wifi connections, and just puttering around putting things back in order. Really not much to say about it....

This afternoon, I picked up my "new" truck at Kemp's Auto Body Repair......and the front end is NEW!!!! Looks sooooo great....and the incredible detailing that they do when they finish with all of the body work....WOW!!!! The inside was like new.....the outside was spotless....and everytime I look around, I see more of their detailing in cleaning and polishing my truck! GREAT!!!! This is the BEST auto place I have found in this area.......use them, you won't be disappointed.

We went to Farmington after I picked up the truck to go to Walgreen's. I have been needing to get my picture taken so that I could send off my application for a renewal on my expired passport. Got them taken......not certain the Passport Control will let me through when they compare the pics to the real me......but, at least I can now get the application mailed off and BEGIN the waiting period of several months. Don't need it, I THINK, until late fall....but I just really hate to be without a passport at any time!! I've had one for 27 years....and I almost feel naked without one whenever we leave on any kind of a journey.

A bit of shopping for some food items....and then we picked up some great BBQ'd ribs to take home for dinner. A bit of dark red medicine......some fresh baked Semolina bread....a bowl of slaw.....and a great meal was on the table in just a few minutes.

Tonight was rather like the rest of the day.......just kicked back and relaxed. Watched a bit of tellie.......did some research online concerning the Missouri Gazette from 1808 that we(my sister and I) "inherited", and also on a few other items.

Relaxed....and....refreshed......that is the way the day evolved. ensures that.....

Life is GREAT....and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!

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