Monday, May 14, 2007

WOW......these days fly by soooo quickly!!!!

Yesterday.....Mother's Day......was one of total relaxation, almost. The 1st Lady and I had some great cinnamon rolls on the patio to begin Her Day.....and I insisted that she just lay back, relax, and enjoy it.......even though none of the family were able to be here. I spent about three hours mowing the God, but it grows soooo fast with all of the rain and warm weather we have been having. Then we just........we just did nothing! We did some reading on the patio and enjoyed the day completely......without having any obligations to attend to.

We watched the three hour special of "Survivor".........and I was quite glad that Earl was the big winner!!!! He appeared to be a great guy.....and it was good to see that he was from Kansas City....even if it was the Kansas side!

This morning, I was up and going early as I had to take the truck about 24 miles up the road to a local diesel/4x4 mechanic. I needed an oil change with a good diagnostic check-up on all hoses, fluids, etc., etc. and........Duncan's 4x4 in Doe Run is THE place to take a truck for quality and friendly service. They have been servicing my truck ever since they installed the modified exhaust brake a couple of years ago.......and their service is excellent and not as expensive as many others.

A quick stop at the SuperCenter in Farmington and then I was home by late morning. AHHHH, but then it was time to go back to the lawn.....planting some flowers, some decorative grasses, transplanting some other plant materials, etc., etc. It was late afternoon before all of this was completed......ugh!!!

And is time to get TheHowserHouse ready for the road and a few weeks of being on the road!!!!! YEAH!!!! I am getting "cabin fever" from being in the stick and brick soooooo long.....and I know that I will feel "more free" and relaxed once we get going next week!!!! JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!! With washing and waxing both the RV and the truck....the week will go by very quickly.......oh yeah!!

We are headed to Lake Delton, Wisconsin......right at the Wisconsin Dells for a week. It is the Cedar Creek RV Owners Club international rally.....and we have many rigs arriving from both coasts of our country as well as Canada and many, many states between the two coasts. This will be great fun.......WOW!!!!

And sooooo, for those of you who are waiting to read and see pics from our travels......HANG ON!!! It won't be long..........

LIFE IS GREAT.......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!!!

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