Monday, March 05, 2007

Day 62: Relaxing....reading....riding.....

The day began as a cloudy and windy one.....but by noon the blue skies had returned, the winds were gone and another great afternoon gave way to a star filled sky tonight. It reached almost 80 this afternoon with predictions of warmer days all week long. SUPER!!

The 1st Lady went to line dancing this morning....and upon her return we decided to ride a few miles on the bikes. The sun was out by that time....and it was a great day to just enjoy riding around.

After lunch......I sat on the patio and just read.....I'm into a very well-written book, not to mention a book that certainly holds your attention with it's information on a very popular and respected individual......Barak Obama.

Later this afternoon we took a two mile walk....and then at dusk we attended a pit fire grouping of the 'hood friends. Lots of laughs....and conversation flowed easily as the evening wore on.

As we rode and walked around the rv park today......I saw some small children!!!! could almost label them aliens here in the park. Sunscape is a 40+ one under 40 is allowed to live guests excepted. It made me begin thinking about something I mentioned in my post last night........the tiny little houses and many tin cans that are surrounded by a fence with a locked gate.

There are 500+ housing units here......almost a 1000 people live here, if not all year at least several months out of each year. The largest lot that these dwellings rest on is 45 x 65 feet.....that is 45 feet across the front and 65 deep, and some are smaller than that. NOT very large areas, are they???? Almost all members of this co-op park are retired and are enjoying the bright sun and warm temps throughout the winter......and when the heat arrives they pack up and head to cooler areas of the far as Alaska for many.

The residents are some of the friendliest people I have every been around. EVERYONE waves as you down the streets, whether you, or they, are walking or riding in some type of vehicle. There are TONS of golf carts that many of the residents own and ride to get to the Clubhouse, the activity center, or the golf course. And wherever you meet one....there is always a wave and a spoken greeting.......and most likely you will not know them at all. At our stick and brick there are families that live two houses away from ours and they/we never speak or is a different world here. Why???????

Is it because everyone is close to the same age??? Is it because there are no full families here that take up everyone's personal time and energy????? What is the common bond or thread that runs through everyone here that makes this place soooo different than any other town or community???? Here....everyone "leans" on everyone is no farther than 45 feet away if needed.......and all that needs to be done is for a person to ask....and there are people there to assist you immediately.

Don't get me wrong.....there are disagreements.......about how the rv park is to be "run", how the buildings are to be constructed/remodeled to meet the standards that the various park committees have established.....and some of these disagreements can be heated. But.....there are neighborhoods that stick together.......they form their own families.

Again today......the 1st Lady and I discussed the purchasing of a lot/site....if nothing more than as an investment. But....would we find ourselves being drawn out here each winter???? Would we feel obligated to come put our rv on OUR lot, along with the many others? Would this tie us down where we wouldn't want to travel around to various other warm locations??? I/we don't know........ We just can't decide........ We are only three hours from St Louis if we need to be there for anything special providing the planes aren't filled to capacity..........What to do, what to do???!!!

And so....another day, another discussion, another great time with a great group of friends.......and with all of the above,

Life is GREAT....and I hope it is for all of you, also!!

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