Thursday, July 13, 2006

AHHHH....the walls are feeling happy!!!!

HOT.....HUMID.....RAIN!!!!! Oh yeah.......I forgot to mention that SE Missouri is much like the tropics at this time of the year.....and today was NO exception. The comfort index registered at 105 degrees......dripping with moisture, and to make matters worse, it RAINED this afternoon!!! UGH.....why am I not in Wyoming...high up in the Big Horn Mts......trying to not break my arm again????? MY STICK AND BRICK.....that's the answer!!!!

Oh yeah.......we painted the walls with a primer today. As we inspected them after painting, we found one wall that still needs more sanding......those nasty little bumps and ridges are still evident, especially with the paint on !! But.....we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.....HOORAY!!!!!

The rest of the day........???? Well, the painting job took almost all of the afternoon, and then the rains came and even with the cool, cool of the a/c, it took a lot of time for the walls to dry. new-found allergy to paint resurfaced this afternoon.......and my head was pounding with every heart beat, so I had to spend some of the time in the wonderful hot/humid air on the patio just to clear my head from time to time.

I did talk with my best friend.......who has one day and a wake-up before he ties the knot with a really great young lady!!! Tomorrow evening is the rehearsal over in Waterloo, Illinois....and so the 1st Lady and I will head to STL in the morning for some drapery shopping and then hook up with the groom during the day before we head down to Waterloo for the 6pm rehearsal and dinner afterwards. I do need to get a "toast" speech together.........should I embarrass him.....or should I just be nice and humorous???? Hmmmmm.........which will it be??? Which best reflects my personality in situations like this????? HEHEHEEE!!!

And so, I am playing "old man" tonight and turning in early. I hardly slept at all last night because my screaming bodily muscles were sooooo damned angry with me for abusing them soooooo harshly yesterday during the hours upon hours of sanding the walls. And.....they haven't given up on letting me know their feelings........they are still screaming loudly!!!

But, with this long awaited wedding weekend beginning tomorrow, I need to get my aging body some rest..........a sagging hulk of me is NOT a good visual for standing beside the groom at the alter as the Best Man. Sooooo.......

Life is Great......and I hope it is for all of you, also!!!!!!!

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