Friday, May 06, 2005

Our first post... I really doing something like this??? Why am I doing this??? WHO would want to read something about me, my family, my life???? Why waste their time on me??? Am I drunk????? Did I have toooooo much wine tonight???? Maybe........

Anyway, here it is the day after Cinco de Mayo and I am leading my oh-so normal life and now posting this life report in cyberspace for EVERYone to read. I will be anxious to see if anyone does read will I know???? I wonder......???

I am currently seeing my newest granddaughter, Ava Moser, at her new home. She is only 8 days old and wakes up every two hours or so to see her new parents.........parents who are different than those that created her. Those parents didn't seem to want her so my daughter and her husband became the adopted parents that they have been trying to become for over a year.......and they are sooooo excited!! But then.....aren't we all??? She is so tiny.....less than six pounds with very long legs.......I'm sure she will become a track star or a basketball player, OR.....perhaps a Drum Major for her high school that IS a great idea!

Her new older sister, Meghan, is so excited that she bounces off the walls of their new house.She is only five and feels soooo much older than Ava. Her first reaction when seeing a picture of her mom and dad holding the little sister was: "well, I can see that you guys don't love me any more!" Haha......sounds just like what Meghan might say.

Hey.....I have been called downstairs to the lower level to watch Ava smile.........hmmmm, it must be something new that she is doing. I will add more to this first writing later........if I don't have more Cabernet.

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